Monday, February 22, 2010

Treasure Hunts

I love a quiet morning... space and time to stop, to put aside the whirlwind of life's demands and settle into deep, reflective places.

This morning I glanced at a wall hanging in my bathroom that says... "Treasure the small things life gives you." A background of lilacs embelishes the print. It reminds me of a bush that blooms stikingly fragrant, deep purple lilacs right outside the front window of our house. Every Spring I throw open the windows and enjoy the way the fragrance wafts through and envelopes each room of the house.

Experiencing my Spring time, lilac-scented breeze reminds me to stop and appreciate the "little things" Gods sends as gifts and reminders of his joyful delight in me... a delight that runs so deep He would even think of a detail like showering me with the divine scent of lilac each Spring. It's a thought like that that jump starts my determination to go on a treasure hunt all day searching for the "small thing" God gives to reveal His love... if I will just pay attention.

Instead of seeing my dog as a inconvenience and in the way as I so often do, I could choose instead to bend down and enjoy the touch of his soft fur, sweet wagging tail and the way he is always so excited to see me. To consider it a reminder that life experiences have gems of blessing if I take the time to look beyond my natural tendency to be selfish, annoyed and easily distracted by "more important" things.

In the Lord's prayer Jesus prays... "...Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." It's my own belief that heaven will be a place absent of rushing about (because there will be no time...right?) and instead a place of recognizing and enjoying the blessings that are there. I won't be selfishly overlooking the very beautiful thing God places in my path to bring refreshment and joy. It is my desire to live that way NOW too... "on earth as it is in Heaven"... unrushed, noticing the beautiful, stopping to recognize each opportunity, each relationship, each chance to be helpful to someone in need, even the work I have to do as a blessing straight from God's hand.

I love the Book of Ecclesiastes. It depcits very normal goings on as directly from God and His attempt at getting us to enjoy the simple delights of life as His gift. It's a place we can see God's heart for the everyday and normal as great blessings to enjoy and revel in rather than overlook. So what is it for you? Don't let the ordinariness of life deceive you into settling into a thankless miserable mindset. Instead might we see the gem that is there and thank God we have eyes to see and ears to hear what's all around.

Eccl 5:18-20
It is good for people to eat well, drink a good glass of wine, and enjoy their work-- whatever they do under the sun-- for however long God lets them live. And it is good to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life--that is indeed a gift from God.

Be FREE and light!


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