Monday, November 15, 2010

The Way of the Waves

I recently enjoyed a quick trip to Melbourne Beach in Florida.
Being a people watcher I was especially in tune one afternoon watching people become intrigued by the crashing waves. The waves that day were huge! Up to 8-10 feet according to the man who rented me my beach chair. Enjoying a comfortable place to settle in I too delighted myself in the way of the waves, listening to the deep rumble below as each wave readied itself to lift with great force, rise high, curl over, fall with a loud crash and somehow know when to back off, a majestic force humbly displaying it's awe-inspiring power yet being careful not to intimidate it's audience. Over the loud crash of each wave I could hear the applause in people's hearts as they continued to tirelessly watch, anticipating the next rush of excitement and allowing it to fill them with a measure of joy. Some even jumped into the waves as if attempting to become a part of them... deepening their experience still.

I couldn't pull myself away from watching both the waves and the people's reaction. Some people were sharing their joy with each other and others were watching alone in contemplation. I thanked God for the beauty of his creation... the way He reveals himself through it and the way he refreshes us with it. I tried to imagine how God might see it all... does he dance with joy secretly watching his children find delight in the beauty he gladly displays? I wondered if He makes things so beautiful because he knows how much we need that kind of filling. The time there filled me with a re-newed knowledge of how much He loves me to go to such great lengths to plop me down in front of such a majestic show just for the sake of bringing refreshment, to gently stop the rat-race of my life for a few days, slowing me down to say... "I Love You" in such a beautful way.

The way of the waves that afternoon brought to mind a great verse...

1 Timothy 6:17b... "Put your hope in God who richly provides us with everything we need for our enjoyment"
Ever thought of God like that? Could it be all the beauty we find around us has been intentionally placed there by God for our refreshment and enjoyment... that God actually cares and wants us to enjoy ourselves? If I'm honest I rarely imagine God caring that I have times in life that are enjoyable and refreshing. I more often imagine him only concerned with how I am serving or working hard to please him.

I'm so glad God uses experiences and backs them up with Scripture to correct or fine tune my image of him. My God intentionally goes ahead of me to orchestrate experiences for the sole purpose of enjoyment! WOW! Only makes want to love, worship, and know him more!
In this season of Thanksgiving... thank him for the things that refresh your soul... HE PUT THEM THERE JUST FOR YOU!!!

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