Getting bored with your 2010 fitness routine? Are you in a rut or have you hit a plateau in your fitness level? Thinking about how you can challenge yourself to new levels for 2011 but not sure how? I can feel these same things at times. Beginning January 2011 I plan to shake it up a bit for myself and my clients by introducing the TRX system...
I don't just share this new exercise program with you because it's the latest certification I have under my belt or because it's one of the latest fitness fads... instead it's because after experiencing it myself, getting great training from an expert TRX trainer, and studying about it on my own I am convinced it just might be a better way to train. Although I still believe weight training most certainly has it's place the TRX system trains with a whole different dynamic!
With it's origins rooted in the Navy SEALs TRX offers a functional training component. Functional training emphasizes a transfer of the fitness that is gained from the program into everyday activity or specific sports performance. Although traditional weight training is useful for gaining strength by isolating muscles, what it can't offer that TRX does deliver is an integrated approach of gaining not only strength but also balance, movement, coordination, stability, power, flexibility and cardio endurance... life skills we use in everyday life or to improve our performance in the specific sports we enjoy.
HOW DOES IT WORK? A suspension training technique adopts the concept that the body knows movement not muscles and it engages the body as a single coordinated system. It takes movement patterns of everyday human activity and recreates them into movement patterns in suspension training. Loading and repeating these movement patterns enhances performance in life and on the playing field.
TRX understands that life demands free bodily movement through space... our bodies work to produce movement. We do not move in everyday life within one dimension or within the confines of a machine or restrictive pattern so our exercise should also reflect more than one dimension in movement. TRX trains your body to move in every direction possible, in every plane of motion. If we limit our training routines to only one dimension or to only one motor pattern, like so many strength training routines do, it can lead to strength imbalances and movement deficiencies in neglected planes of motion.
While teaching a zumba class not so long ago I noticed a beautiful, buff body builder come into my class. I kept watching her out of the corner of my eye and noticed she really struggled to catch on to the moves to the point she visibly became frustrated and left class early. I felt bad and wondered why it was so difficult for her. I realize there are some who just don't have a knack for rhythm but in her case I sensed it was something more. After taking the TRX training I have to wonder if her inability has anything to do with muscle imbalances she may have incurred due to her intense training in one plane and dimension of movement. It reminded me that I want to be sure to be training my body to do more that just yield a aesthetic looking physique. I want to improve my ability to move freely through space. The TRX is a training device that works with the nature of how our bodies have been created to move.
I was also reminded that it's important to shake things up a bit in our training routines. Don't get so stuck doing one type of training. Try new things that will challenge your body to move in new ways. That's why I believe dance classes, no matter how much you may lack a natural ability to dance, should be a part of everyone's routine. In dancing you move in every plane of motion and send your muscles messages of confusion which they need to help you improve your ability to move freely through space, seeing new gains in your balance, coordination, stability, flexibilty, power and cardio endurance.
So what will it be for you in 2011? I say shake it up and try the TRX system of training. I have 3 new small group classes starting up in January! As soon as the dates become public knowledge I will update my teaching schedule at the bottom of my blog page! JOIN ME and we can train our bodies together in new ways for 2011... or call me for your own personal training sessions and we can work one-on-one for a more "focused on YOU" workout plan!
Watch the TRX in action... go to
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