You might be thinking about how you want to dish out an extra measure of love to special people in your life this Valentine's Day... that's great, that's needed... I applaud you! But have you considered yet how you might show yourself some love too?
When it comes to self-love how would you rate yourself? Do you beat yourself up allowing negative self-talk to bring defeat or do you remind yourself of what is true, right, noble and excellent? Do you worry about things, agonizing over issues that are out of your control or are you content knowing you did all you could? Do you allow yourself to eat junkie food just because it's there or do you think carefully before you put just anything into your body? Do you lash out at loved ones, then scratch your head as you wonder "what is wrong with me" or are you relieved you were able to practice self-control during a frustrating interaction? Do you easily blow-off spending time filling up with spiritual truth and being thankful to God in prayer or do you long for more time to pursue deeper spiritual understanding? Do you skip your workout too many times in a row because you just don't feel like it or do you remind yourself that mentally you'll want to give up everytime and you instead choose to push against that? Some mornings do you wish you could climb right back into bed and stay there for 4 days or do you remind yourself that each day is a gift?
If I'm honest I have chosen the negative examples above probably more times than I'd like to admit... except staying in bed for 4 days... thank goodness... not saying it isn't beyond possible for me though. None of us are beyond anything. But If I allow these tendencies to continue without stopping long enough to evaluate what's going on and taking action to turn it around... that's when habits slowly begin to become a way of life until I wake up one day and wonder how in the world did I arrived at such a place.
Stopping, evaluating and taking action is self-love. It involves taking preventative measures to ensure we maintain a healthy lifestyle in every area of life... physically, spiritually, emotionally, relationally etc... so we can be the best "ME" possible. The ME God made us to be... fully alive, respecting ourselves and the nature of the way God made things to work best. I want my life to work out as best as it possibily can... it involves trusting that God's ways are best! How can I seek to be fully alive?
God says we reap what we sow... what are you sowing physically, spiritually, relationally, or even intellectually? How are you investing in a practice that will help you become a whole, healthy balanced person?
Here are some ways you might say "I Love Me" this Valetine's Day...
Go take a brisk walk (or run) outside in the fresh air... even though it's cold that fresh air will do wonders for you physically... or at least take deep, long, full breaths anytime you happen to be outside... like when you are walking from your car into the grocery store etc...
As you are out running or walking try filling your mind with everything you are thankful for and begin to cultivate an appreciation for so many things God has blessed you with... Being thankful is healthy and helps you let go of bitterness and gives you an ability to look on the brighter side of life.
If you begin to become more active you will feel hungry more often. Decide now to grab healthy power-packed nutritious snacks and eat noting but healthy food for a whole week and then take note how it affects you.
Compliment each person in your family every day and watch their faces light up. You have the power to love!
Read Scriptural truths everyday to help realign your thinking... I have a great devotional called "Morning and Evening Daily Bible Readings" by Charles Spurgeon. I love his insights and it always encourages me as I start and end each day.
Write down all your loved ones names in a journal and list 5 things you can pray for each of them everyday... Take 5 minutes to bring the list before God each day... I have been consistently doing this everyday in 2011 and have been blown away by how specifically God has been answering my small, simple prayers in unimaginable ways. He is that good and is waiting to hear what's on your heart.
The Bible says..."We have not because we ask not..." Try asking him about what's on your mind. We have God's permission to cast off every thing in our lives that weighs us down. Cast it all off by talking to him about it and letting him carry it for us. He is able and nothing is too difficult for Him. Stress is a killer... God knows how it weighs us down and he wants to be your outlet for stress... Give it to Him and feel the tension lift off your shoulders.
You might think of other ways to say "I Love Me" this Valentine's Day... add to your list regularly and catch yourself when you start to neglect self-love so you can keep pressing on to become healthy, whole and balanced.
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