Let's just get straight to the point...
You need these tips now so you can start blasting away the ab flab
begin enjoying the way you look and feel and
increase your chances of living an energetic, disease free life!
Let's get you started!
What are they?
**Eat an apple a day!
An apple is a slow digesting carb source with loads of antioxidants! Apple polyphenols boost muscle strength and endurance and promote fat loss around the middle. It increases your body's ability to burn fat and limits fat production and storage. When's the last time you had an apple? Don't go another day without one!
**Go green!
Without going into scientific detail all you need to know is that green tea keeps your metabolic rate up by preventing the breakdown of nerepinephrine which helps keep the metabloic rate up. So preventing its breakdown is what you need... Green tea kicks butt at getting the job done!
**Get back in black!
Oolong tea... Also enhances the metabolic rate by reducing levels of cortisol... A stress hormone that encourages fat storage around the belly.
**Ice, Ice, Baby!
Drink ice cold water that is. It increases the metabolic rate by 30%. Do it first thing in the morning before you do anything else.... Then do 10 of each as fast as you can... Burpees, pushups, squats, mountain climbers and jumping jacks. Just make it your everyday morning ritual... Its an easy thing to do. You won't be sorry.
**Be nutty!
Eat nuts for snacks, on salads, in desserts (healthy recipes only)... Enough said!
**Slow it down!
Choose slow digesting carbs... They will keep your insulin levels down and will keep them steady. Insulin levels spike with refined carbs like white bread, white rice and anything processed. Get far, far away from that unless you want sure fire way to create a bodily environment ripe for fat storage... Choose sprouted whole grain sources instead...
Like Ezekiel breads and cereals. Brown rice and oatmeal are also rockin choices.
**Got grapefruit?
Want to lose up to 4 pounds in 12 weeks without changing your diet? Try adding grapefruit to a couple meals a day. Grapefruit also lowers insulin levels!
**Omega 3's promote fat loss faster than eating a diet low in fats. Olive oil, peanut butter, walnuts, salmon, trout! Eat some everyday!
**Protein with every meal!
Protein promotes hypertrophy and enhances fat loss...They also boost peptide levels which decrease hunger levels!
These are 9 easy things you absolutely must begin to do now! I've been practicing these tips for about a year now and I have some pretty darn flat abs! Not trying to brag about that... I just knew others had done it and I wanted to do it too... Not sure if you know this, but I'm a 45 year old mother of 4. If I can do it you can too. All it takes is a determination to adopt habits and be consistent for the long haul. Think where you can be in a couple years! Consistency will pay off and you will see a more beautiful you emerge regardless of your age or stage in life...
Do it today!
Because better health, more energy and a more beautiful you is what you really want isn't it?
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