Most days I get up super early to get myself off to work. What a beautiful day it was today! I don't enjoy getting up early, however, when the sunlight is peeking it's way through my window and I just know it's going to be a beautiful day... it makes it alright to be up so early.
On mornings like that I love to sit a few extra minutes in my sun room and sip my morning green tea with my oatmeal, blueberries and a fried egg or two... to be alone in the quiet is a great stress reliever not to mention a great way to start the day, to acknowledge God and read from His great Book for wisdom and insight to guide my life and lift and feed my soul... the deeper and more real part of who I am.
I'm blessed when I get to work because not only do I get to see a bunch of wonderful people that I sincerely like being with but we get to workout together and I get paid for working out... I just love that! Today we focused on core stability and metabolic fat burning cardio bursts. After such a workout I love to refuel with a power-packed recovery drink.. not only does it quench my thirst effectively but also helps gives my hard worked muscles what they need to recover and get stronger. A must for my day!
By mid-morning I'm famished and take a few minutes break between meeting with clients to enjoy a whole, natural snack... almonds, apples and extra water. Now I'm energized for the rest of the morning.
A great part of my day is seeing my clients come in each day... I always feel a sense of joy when I see them coming to faithfully get in the trenches with me to move and give their body new life as they condition their muscles and cardiovascular system for long-term preventative self-care. I'm grateful I get to do what I love!
After my morning appointments I love stopping by Naturally Yours Grocery Store to pick up more real food! Blueberries, broccoli, peppers, spinach, cherries, apples, bananas, avacados, almond butter, gluten free bread, eggs and a rotisserie chicken! For lunch I'll have some of the chicken with a big green salad and a big bowl of bananas and cottage cheese and a few cherries for dessert.
As I pick up the gluten free bread I remember what I heard... that wheat is really not as good for you as we once thought... I hate when the "experts" change their mind, however, when new suggestions arise I check them out and give their recommendations a try just to see if I get results... So I hear wheat causes the belly to bulge! Whoa! If that's true then wheat is gone for me. I did try the gluten and wheat free bread and gotta tell you that my belly is less bloated! Wooo hooo! Try it and see what you think. It doesn't taste the best but if it delivers greater health and wellness I'm sold and will force my taste buds to adjust! They do that ya know! Interesting, since I eliminated processed sugar from my diet I no longer crave it and when I do have it... well, I feel a little ill. So just a bite or two is all I can handle and I'm better for it.
Think about your day too... what are your daily habits? The little things we do each day add up over the years either for our good or for our detriment. Stopping long enough to examine our days and evaluate what we're doing or not doing will go a long way to helping us get on our way to better health and wellness!
Have a healthy day!!!
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