Monday, October 26, 2009

Ahhh... the silence

When was the last time you were able to get a few moments to be still and quiet? Or better yet a few hours? In seeking to have a more balanced life I have reserved 2 time slots in my week for quiet reflection and stillness for the purpose of asking God to search my heart. This morning was one of those times. :O)

The last few days have been a furious frenzy! So much going on. And I am finding the older my kids get the busier life is because eveyone has their ideas about how they want to spend their time. My house is a mess and I feel out of control. My mind is also critical toward my family and the way I think things should be. I even had thoughts this morning as I looked at my 12 year old daughter that I wish she would groom herself just a little better, and why in the world is she wearing THAT?

Other thoughts that I caught myself thinking.... "Why does he have to chomp his food?... ewww yuck!", "Gee whiz, why do I have to do everything around here? There are 6 capable people in this house... there is no reason the house should look like this!" Then thoughts would creep in like. "It's because you are a horrible mom! You have failed to train them to be responsible! IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU ARE A LOSER!"

Ever have thoughts like that? Kinda harsh, huh? I was so glad I had reserved a few hours this morning to be quiet, still and to get a grip! I needed to position myself to hear from God and gain a right perspective regarding my heart. Here's what I heard...

It's been busy and stressful yes, family life can be that way, but you are here now and my mercy is new every morning! Enjoy it and know my grace abounds to you always! Don't beat yourself up about busyness. Sometimes life is busy. Keep striving for balance and slow down enough to bring up the deep matters of your heart. It's in the silence and stillness that real transformation takes place. Don't neglect it.

You are feeling critical and irritable toward your family. Why not give me those burdens instead? I care about all that and I know how you feel. But remember, the only person you can change is yourself. Remember all of you are in process and being judgmental never helps does it? I have not called you to judge and be critical but to love, serve and be encouraging instead. Don't be heavy with life burdens, give them to me and remind yourself of what is good, right, excellent, praiseworthy and noble! You free yourself of pain when you choose to love. It is the greatest thing you can do for your family and it will work because LOVE NEVER FAILS! Mercy triumphs over judgment. My mercy was extended to you and the whole world while you were still sinners! You were still in process and still are and it's always my loving kindness that draws people, not condemnation and judgment.

You are never a loser in my eyes. That is a lie. You are my special treasure. I am accomplishing my purpose in you. Keep looking up to gain a right perspective. You are loved, forgiven and chosen. Be free and light in my love.

I hope you will take a minute to be still to hear his wonderful voice in your circumstances today!



  1. Love love love this post!! Love your heart! Looking forward to tomorrow!

  2. Donna,

    Been in your shoes so many times. And I know...deep down, it's not them. It's ME!
    My "old former self" is rising up and trying to beat down my "new present self" redeemed in Christ. And yes, I just needed to be fortified by time with HIM. I ask myself every time...WHY are you not more disciplined and devoted??? Life is a journey. Growth is a process. God is a gracious and merciful, patient Father. I am grateful. Thanks for your supportive post to all of us out here who can identify, and nod our heads in agreement. Have a great day.


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