Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Few Thoughts on Dieting

Once you determine that you want to give yourself the gift of exercise everyday there are a few thoughts I'd like to share about dieting. Here's my advice... DON'T DO IT!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOUR ARE BECOMING MORE ACTIVE.

FOOD IS YOUR FUEL! Food is essential! Food is energy! Food is what your body lives on! You wouldn't think of traveling a long distance without gas in your car... it simply wouldn't be possible. It's the same with your body. If you are expending more energy through exercise you need more fuel not less. Many people make the mistake of thinking, "Now that I'm exercising I am going to cut back in my eating too and then the weight will really come off!" WRONG! You need to be realistic. You won't be able to over time sustain the kind of diet most people try when attempting to lose weight. You know, those diets that cause you to starve.

I'd like to change your thinking forever about dieting. When we diet (take in less than we expend) our body gets confused and kicks into "famine mode". It stores the fuel that lasts the longest in famine. The fuel it stores is not protein, or carbs... it's FAT! Your body will store fat so that you may live as long as possible in famine. In addition, most of the weight you lose on a starvation diet is water and lean muscle mass, so when you gain the weight back again, and you will because you cannot sustain starvation diets for for very long, what you lose in lean muscle mass will be gained back as FAT. The lean muscle mass you once had will not magically reappear. You will need to do the hard work of strength training to build it back up. That's why the same 40 pounds when gained back will feel looser, fatter and heavier than they did before. Every time you lose weight and gain it back you are getting weaker and fatter.

Instead of dieting in such a non-productive way use that same detrmination to exercise. You need strength training and some kind of cardio to get the best results. Don't allow your muscle mass to wither away through dieting. You need that muscle to be strong and fit for life. Your lean muscle also burns fat. So the more lean your muscles are the more efficient your body will be at buring fat. Even when sleeping your body will be burning fat. Kinda nice huh? Oxygen is also a fuel that burns fat. So you want to include cardio at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes or more at a time... (more on oxygen in future posts).

Sustaining a rigerous exercise routine requires that you keep the fuel coming! Fuel up every day with a healthy breakfast and make it your goal to fill your plate 1/2 full at lunch and dinner with fresh frutis and vegis, 1/4 full with whole grains and 1/4 full with protein.

There is soooo much more to share about diet and exercise... it will have to wait for another post. In a nutshell for now... enjoy your food and move your body!

Be blessed and nourished!


  1. Oh thank you, Donna.. for that bit of knowledge and reminder of good information about how our bodies really operate.
    "Every time you lose weight and gain it back you are getting weaker and fatter." YIKES!!

    MOTIVATION.!!! Hope you are all better. Missed your posting. Blessings.

  2. Donna - I just LOVE your encouragement. Like your husband said, you are a VERY good writer! I am learning a lot from you and I appreciate you so much! :)


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