Sitting in my safe place, I find myself reflecting as I look out the window watching my dog frolick in the new fallen snow. Being a puppy he has never experienced snow before, so I feel joy watching him discover this strange, cold, white stuff. The snow is so deep he must jump up to run through it. With snow covering his snout, he looks back at me like a child hoping to be noticed. My daughter realizes he is outside and finds the same joy as she takes notice of him. She giggles, we make eye contact, smile, and then she takes it a step further. She finds her boots and coat and joins him in the fun. I laugh to myself, sip my tea and enjoy watching them experience such freedom and simplicity... longing sets in deep somewhere in my heart and I reflect deeper.
In my last post, I thought on the heart's tendency to be deceitful and cause pain, but the heart is also a bold place of deep longings and dreams. God-given dreams that he wants to unfold and see emerge for His glory and our good. Sometimes moments like the above can awaken our senses and remind us that we have dreams and longings that have been ignored over the years. Would dreams spring to life if simplicity and freedom marked our lives? Busyness demands every ounce of energy we have and steals away precious time. Once time is gone, it's gone! The reality of how swift time slips away has been scaring me lately.
I ask myself... is the busyness worth it? What am I doing to fill my time? What is stealing my time? I am ready as 2010 approaches. I have already set things up to create new space and time for cultivating deep God-given longings and dreams. I plan to keep writing. Writing is a dream I have had for years and never stopped long enough to consider taking it seriously. I am starting there. I have other dreams too. Photography and painting are two more. Learning ballet, and yet another silly one... getting a tattoo. :O) What about you? Are you looking inside? Are you listening to the deep longings and dreams that God has placed there? They are there for a reason. God has work he wants to do through you and your giftedness. Take time to look at your life and don't let busyness steal it anymore.
OK.... I have been on deep topics lately... I am in deep places. Next post I'll be getting back to fitness! Just a side note... Today I did one of the most challenging work-outs I have ever done... (nothing like a good challenge to tackle stress). If you get a chance go out and get the DVD "Biggest Loser Workout...Cardio Max". No joke, it's tough stuff... you WILL lose weight if you stick with this! My legs are spaghetti today. I LOVE IT!
Until next time...keep dreaming and believing!
Monday, December 28, 2009
New Beginnings
Ready or not, a new year is here. 2010 shouts of excitement, new beginnings, discovery and hope for change while 2009 tucks itself away like a beautifully crafted memory book in the deep places of our hearts... there to stay ...forever. I love this time of year. It creates an urgency to re-examine the lives we live. To celebrate the good and rethink the not so good. To look back and to look ahead. To see where we came from, where are headed and adjust our course. You might call it making New Year's Resolutions. I prefer to call it change and growth... what naturally happens when you've lived 42 years and realize half your life is over. (ouch!... sorry anyone 42 and up).
At 42, we're now standing on top of the hill looking down over the other side. Getting to the top of the hill might tempt us to believe our best years are gone, but just because we are half way there certainly doesn't mean it's over for us. Sliding down the other side of the hill may be even more fun than the climb up. You might not struggle with thoughts like this, but I need to confess... I find myself stressing about getting older more often now than ever. Seriously, wondering if I have even hit the beginnings of a mid-life crisis. I am mad at myself when I think it's too late to explore new interests or when I believe getting older holds nothing worthwhile. As I charge straight ahead into 2010 I determine to banish this wrong picture. I determine instead to see with new eyes that the last half of life can be even better than the first. Age alone never makes life bad.
Like anything worth having however, the second half of life promises great returns only through hard work. There are tides in our lives. When we are young the tide is always behind us pushing us ahead no matter what we do or do not do. As we age the tide slowly turns until it is against us. No more free ride. That's what's so scary about aging, however, if we are willing to press into the tide and use it to become stronger we can live the last half of life with energy and vitality. We don't have to let nature run its course. We can do something about it. The great news is that the tide is not that strong unless we sit back and let it have it's way with us.
The key to pushing against the tide is understanding the nature of growth and decay. Everything in our world degenerates without care and attention. It is the same with our physical bodies. With hard work they grow to become stronger or if left sedentary and uncared for will decay and become weaker. Our bodies look to us to choose between them. Our choice to not exercise and to eat garbage without thinking creates decay and weakness. Exercise on the other hand, is the master signaler in the body to set off cycles of strengthening and repair.
Where to start? We are all at different fitness levels so our starting places will be different. The place to start is a notch beyond your current activity level. If you don't exercise at all, start moving. Take a walk to get your body used to movement again. If you run 3 miles regularly, pick it up and run 3 and 1/2 miles, or try to pick up your pace for one of the three miles. Prevent a plateau effect by challenging your body to the next level by trying something new. If you are used to a treadmill, try using a different cardio machine. In fact, I heard once its best to divide a workout into thirds. For example, use the treadmill for a third of the time, a stationary bike for a third and an eliptical machine to finish. In other words, change it up, challenge your muscles to move in a new way. Don't keep doing the same thing. A well-rounded weekly routine should also include not only cardio, but strength training and flexibility training too.
Your week might look like this...
Monday-- Strength train (an hour of using weights to tone muscles... get a "how to" dvd, they are very helpful if you don't know what you are doing).
Tuesday-- Cardio at least 30 minutes (swim, run, walk, treadmill, zumba :O), step... whatever you enjoy... just get the heart and lungs feeling it).
Wednesday-- Strength train and pilates or yoga. (again dvd's are a goldmine for info and how tos).
Thursday-- Cardio
Friday-- Strength and pilates or yoga.
Saturday-- yes saturday! Choose whatever you feel like doing.
Sunday-- Ok... you can rest.
I must mention again a great dvd I recently have been challenged by ..."The Biggest Loser Workout... Cardio Max". It combines strength training and cardio and is one tough workout. I love it. You might try it and tell me what you think.
Also check out your local newspaper! Mine had information about many new fitness classes starting up for the new year.
Lastly, I mentioned a great book I am reading called "Younger Next Year" in previous posts. There is a wealth of information about how to go about pushing against the tide in the second half of life. It is not by a Christian author but I believe what he has to say about the science of our aging bodies is insightful. Pick up a copy to renew your motivation and determination.
We have lived some great years but I believe the best is still ahead! It's our choice. Make it happen.
At 42, we're now standing on top of the hill looking down over the other side. Getting to the top of the hill might tempt us to believe our best years are gone, but just because we are half way there certainly doesn't mean it's over for us. Sliding down the other side of the hill may be even more fun than the climb up. You might not struggle with thoughts like this, but I need to confess... I find myself stressing about getting older more often now than ever. Seriously, wondering if I have even hit the beginnings of a mid-life crisis. I am mad at myself when I think it's too late to explore new interests or when I believe getting older holds nothing worthwhile. As I charge straight ahead into 2010 I determine to banish this wrong picture. I determine instead to see with new eyes that the last half of life can be even better than the first. Age alone never makes life bad.
Like anything worth having however, the second half of life promises great returns only through hard work. There are tides in our lives. When we are young the tide is always behind us pushing us ahead no matter what we do or do not do. As we age the tide slowly turns until it is against us. No more free ride. That's what's so scary about aging, however, if we are willing to press into the tide and use it to become stronger we can live the last half of life with energy and vitality. We don't have to let nature run its course. We can do something about it. The great news is that the tide is not that strong unless we sit back and let it have it's way with us.
The key to pushing against the tide is understanding the nature of growth and decay. Everything in our world degenerates without care and attention. It is the same with our physical bodies. With hard work they grow to become stronger or if left sedentary and uncared for will decay and become weaker. Our bodies look to us to choose between them. Our choice to not exercise and to eat garbage without thinking creates decay and weakness. Exercise on the other hand, is the master signaler in the body to set off cycles of strengthening and repair.
Where to start? We are all at different fitness levels so our starting places will be different. The place to start is a notch beyond your current activity level. If you don't exercise at all, start moving. Take a walk to get your body used to movement again. If you run 3 miles regularly, pick it up and run 3 and 1/2 miles, or try to pick up your pace for one of the three miles. Prevent a plateau effect by challenging your body to the next level by trying something new. If you are used to a treadmill, try using a different cardio machine. In fact, I heard once its best to divide a workout into thirds. For example, use the treadmill for a third of the time, a stationary bike for a third and an eliptical machine to finish. In other words, change it up, challenge your muscles to move in a new way. Don't keep doing the same thing. A well-rounded weekly routine should also include not only cardio, but strength training and flexibility training too.
Your week might look like this...
Monday-- Strength train (an hour of using weights to tone muscles... get a "how to" dvd, they are very helpful if you don't know what you are doing).
Tuesday-- Cardio at least 30 minutes (swim, run, walk, treadmill, zumba :O), step... whatever you enjoy... just get the heart and lungs feeling it).
Wednesday-- Strength train and pilates or yoga. (again dvd's are a goldmine for info and how tos).
Thursday-- Cardio
Friday-- Strength and pilates or yoga.
Saturday-- yes saturday! Choose whatever you feel like doing.
Sunday-- Ok... you can rest.
I must mention again a great dvd I recently have been challenged by ..."The Biggest Loser Workout... Cardio Max". It combines strength training and cardio and is one tough workout. I love it. You might try it and tell me what you think.
Also check out your local newspaper! Mine had information about many new fitness classes starting up for the new year.
Lastly, I mentioned a great book I am reading called "Younger Next Year" in previous posts. There is a wealth of information about how to go about pushing against the tide in the second half of life. It is not by a Christian author but I believe what he has to say about the science of our aging bodies is insightful. Pick up a copy to renew your motivation and determination.
We have lived some great years but I believe the best is still ahead! It's our choice. Make it happen.
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Matter of the Heart
Driving in the dark, down an empty highway after midnight the powerful reality of what I had done cut deep in my heart. The tears welled up and blurred my vision. My gut was tied up in a hundred knots as I began to think through the consequences of my choices. My mind began to race as I tried hard to trace back to the point when my choices veered off onto the slippery slope. "HOW DID I GET HERE?"
Then just as quickly as I asked the question out loud, truth spoke almost as if I heard an audible voice.
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure... who can understand it?"
Surprisingly, a sense of judgment and condemnation did not come over me, but instead a sense of compassion and intense longing and love as if God was gently revealing not only this amazing truth, but also of his ability to be in control. Driving along the empty highway was just where he wanted me to be at this exact moment in time. A gentle reminder overcame me as I realized the state of my heart. Your heart will deceive you every time if you let it, my love. I long to be the keeper of your heart. Give it back to me once again. It constantly must be bathed in grace and truth. Follow hard after me. You won't be disappointed. No matter how mature you think you might be in your faith, or how badly your mistake, do well to remember the heart is beyond cure... beyond understanding. Keep it with me. Understand my unmerited grace and the agony of the cross my Son gladly bore for you. Just put "that" right there.
As I let "that" go a deep movement of His grace poured out and I felt His jealous love for me fill in the empty places. This is real freedom. He is all I need. I must get up, learn from this and keep looking up when looking in takes me places I should not go.
Romans 8:1
There is therefore, now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Lamentations 3:22
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy... I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anythng else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Then just as quickly as I asked the question out loud, truth spoke almost as if I heard an audible voice.
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure... who can understand it?"
Surprisingly, a sense of judgment and condemnation did not come over me, but instead a sense of compassion and intense longing and love as if God was gently revealing not only this amazing truth, but also of his ability to be in control. Driving along the empty highway was just where he wanted me to be at this exact moment in time. A gentle reminder overcame me as I realized the state of my heart. Your heart will deceive you every time if you let it, my love. I long to be the keeper of your heart. Give it back to me once again. It constantly must be bathed in grace and truth. Follow hard after me. You won't be disappointed. No matter how mature you think you might be in your faith, or how badly your mistake, do well to remember the heart is beyond cure... beyond understanding. Keep it with me. Understand my unmerited grace and the agony of the cross my Son gladly bore for you. Just put "that" right there.
As I let "that" go a deep movement of His grace poured out and I felt His jealous love for me fill in the empty places. This is real freedom. He is all I need. I must get up, learn from this and keep looking up when looking in takes me places I should not go.
Romans 8:1
There is therefore, now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Lamentations 3:22
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy... I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anythng else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Success Stories
I love fitness success stories...
Here's one of a 42 year old home school mom who left a job as a nurse 15 years earlier to be home with her kids. She loved to teach and plan meaningful activities for her three growing children. She poured her life into developing her children and thrilled herself in the process of influencing them for good. In her down time she read and prepared and cleaned and did and did for her family. Although she loved her busy life serving her family, she began to notice how sedentary her lifestyle was becoming and how truly neglectful she was becoming of her own wellness. She used to be active, in great shape with boundless energy and missed the sense of strength and well-being she had had from earlier days. How long ago that all seemed. Troubling thoughts about the swiftness of time came in like a flood and jolted her into action. The last 15 years were a blur. Where would she be in the NEXT 15 years? The picture she imagined in her mind was not pleasant. A new urgency for change pressed in and did not let up.
Almost immediately, she started walking. She even found a new desire to get off to the gym early enough to lift a few weights before the day's agenda had a chance to demand her full attention. The more consistent she was the more her body craved and then demanded what it desperately needed. She hated missing. Without dieting or going into any specific program she began to see the pounds melt away. Her husband began to notice and admired what he saw. He complimented her and praised her for her new determination. Friends too began to notice and wondered if they should join her in her new found discipline. Eventually she made it down to the same weight she had before kids and was now working out up to 5-6 days a week. Her new routine included good heart-pumping cardio exercise everyday, muscle building, metabolisim increasing strength-training 3 times a week, and relaxing, rejuvinating yoga/pilates 2 times a week for at least one hour a day. She woke one day to find herself in her forties, looking and and feeling better than she ever had. She loved her life, and even more now that she had given herself permission to pursue this new energy-giving balance. A balance she determined she would not just begin with, but continue with for the rest of her life.
Her secret for this new determination from the beginning was to begin her new exercise routine (starting slow at first) with a new self-image. Picturing who she could be from earlier days and keeping that picture in mind until she accomplished the goal. She also filled her mind with truth about herself. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My body was made to function best through movement. I can celebrate who I am and glorify God through being thankful for how strong my body is capable of being. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! God made me and loves me. I can give more to my family and friends when I am strong energetic and healthy. Exercising is part of my God-given duty to be a good steward of who I am."
You might like to try this too. Draw a picture of you swiftly running with no extra weight dragging you down. You are not huffing and puffing but rather breathing strong and steady taking in the refreshing breeze through your hair and the healing rays of the sun on your face. The adreneline and endorphins awaken a new energy deep inside and even though you are on your last mile you feel you could keep going. Or maybe for you it's going to be walking down your neighborhood trail and because of consistent strength training, you notice longer, leaner muscles as you pass by an unexpected reflection of yourself. Not that our physical appearance is all we think about, but a more beautiful you will emerge when you are healthier, more alive, and energetic and it's OK to enjoy that too.
What's your fitness success story? What better time to start picturing it than today. Rely on God who designed your body with a capability to replace what once was weak and troubling with strength, energy and new life.
Make it Happen!
Here's one of a 42 year old home school mom who left a job as a nurse 15 years earlier to be home with her kids. She loved to teach and plan meaningful activities for her three growing children. She poured her life into developing her children and thrilled herself in the process of influencing them for good. In her down time she read and prepared and cleaned and did and did for her family. Although she loved her busy life serving her family, she began to notice how sedentary her lifestyle was becoming and how truly neglectful she was becoming of her own wellness. She used to be active, in great shape with boundless energy and missed the sense of strength and well-being she had had from earlier days. How long ago that all seemed. Troubling thoughts about the swiftness of time came in like a flood and jolted her into action. The last 15 years were a blur. Where would she be in the NEXT 15 years? The picture she imagined in her mind was not pleasant. A new urgency for change pressed in and did not let up.
Almost immediately, she started walking. She even found a new desire to get off to the gym early enough to lift a few weights before the day's agenda had a chance to demand her full attention. The more consistent she was the more her body craved and then demanded what it desperately needed. She hated missing. Without dieting or going into any specific program she began to see the pounds melt away. Her husband began to notice and admired what he saw. He complimented her and praised her for her new determination. Friends too began to notice and wondered if they should join her in her new found discipline. Eventually she made it down to the same weight she had before kids and was now working out up to 5-6 days a week. Her new routine included good heart-pumping cardio exercise everyday, muscle building, metabolisim increasing strength-training 3 times a week, and relaxing, rejuvinating yoga/pilates 2 times a week for at least one hour a day. She woke one day to find herself in her forties, looking and and feeling better than she ever had. She loved her life, and even more now that she had given herself permission to pursue this new energy-giving balance. A balance she determined she would not just begin with, but continue with for the rest of her life.
Her secret for this new determination from the beginning was to begin her new exercise routine (starting slow at first) with a new self-image. Picturing who she could be from earlier days and keeping that picture in mind until she accomplished the goal. She also filled her mind with truth about herself. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My body was made to function best through movement. I can celebrate who I am and glorify God through being thankful for how strong my body is capable of being. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! God made me and loves me. I can give more to my family and friends when I am strong energetic and healthy. Exercising is part of my God-given duty to be a good steward of who I am."
You might like to try this too. Draw a picture of you swiftly running with no extra weight dragging you down. You are not huffing and puffing but rather breathing strong and steady taking in the refreshing breeze through your hair and the healing rays of the sun on your face. The adreneline and endorphins awaken a new energy deep inside and even though you are on your last mile you feel you could keep going. Or maybe for you it's going to be walking down your neighborhood trail and because of consistent strength training, you notice longer, leaner muscles as you pass by an unexpected reflection of yourself. Not that our physical appearance is all we think about, but a more beautiful you will emerge when you are healthier, more alive, and energetic and it's OK to enjoy that too.
What's your fitness success story? What better time to start picturing it than today. Rely on God who designed your body with a capability to replace what once was weak and troubling with strength, energy and new life.
Make it Happen!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Limbic Dance
This time of year always tries to press me into the mold of a harried, stressed out woman who strives for the perfect Christmas celebration for my family. I say "tries" because I am often surprised that, though I do feel stress, I don't seem to mind it as much as I do at other "ordinary" times of the year.
I wonder if it could be that the stress I experience preparing for Christmas is simply more "worth it" because I am anticipating something meaningful to come. Something I long for and need more than I realize and can't always quickly put my finger on. The meaningful something, I finally realize when I ponder long enough, is connection. Connection on a deeper level. Not only my own need for connection, but my desire and ability to create meaningful connections for my family and friends. And ultimately experiencing a deeper connection with God. God, who set things up when he prepared for thousands of years and then ushered in the very first Christmas miracle. He did it all in anticipation of connecting deeply with me and you.
Connecting is the beautiful dance of life... it's what we all long for. Christmas preparation sets the stage for meaningful, memorable connections to happen on Christmas Day. But what about the rest of the year? Do I slow down enough to really connect with others and with God? All of life is meant for making meaningful connections... not just at Christmas.
Meaningful connections are not only important but are extremely vital if we want to thrive, especially in the latter years of life. When our lives are nothing but running and striving we miss out. We reach a healthier balance when we slow down and experience emotions of love, joy, pleasure and play. When we connect with each other.
Reading up in my latest choice health and wellness book..."Younger Next Year"... I was intrigued with the following thoughts about connecting...
Did you know the brain has a magical place where the "connecting emotions" play out. This magical place is called the limbic brain. The limbic brain reads the real world and makes emotions out of it. Little happens in our limbic brain when we look at trees or rocks, but when we look at people, people's faces in particular, something explosive happens in the brain. When we look at people we look with a hungry intensity for connection. Functional MRI scanning shows massive sections of the brain waking up to process the information when we are looking at someones face. The limbic brain is devoted to absorbing and interpreting every nuance of facial expression. When a listener leans in to take interest in what we are saying, when we feel a soft touch of understanding or a smile of acceptance and pleasure, this tuning in emotionally creates a great circle of chemistry and a beautiful limbic dance happens either between two people or between a group of people. It is an extraordinary process and happens every second we spend with people. When we tune into each other we effect each other's moods. We have the power to change each other's moods and the experience feels good... or at least it should. We cannot do without the limbic dance of life.
For so many of us the limbic dance becomes optional or just simply too much work. I admit, sometimes it feels really good, other times it just seems awkward and unpleasant. Regardless of negative experiences I am convinced giving up is not a healthy option. I think so often people just don't know what to do to build meaningful relationships. Do we try to make it too complicated? When I ask myself what I need from friends/family the answer is simple... to be listened to and cared about. If that's what I need then I can also give that out. I don't have to have long complicated answers to people's issues, just a few engaging questions, a shoulder to lean on, ears to hear and a heart that genuinely cares.
I'm convinced being healthy means realizing relationships matter and need to be cultivated. I feel a new urgency to exercise not only my physical muscles this year but now too my limbic muscles for deeper stronger connections. It's a must for survival and delivers fantastic pay off if I don't give up. I look forward to finding new ways ways to givie myself and others the gift of a limbic dance not only at Christmas but all year long.
Let's connect, commit and be young!
I wonder if it could be that the stress I experience preparing for Christmas is simply more "worth it" because I am anticipating something meaningful to come. Something I long for and need more than I realize and can't always quickly put my finger on. The meaningful something, I finally realize when I ponder long enough, is connection. Connection on a deeper level. Not only my own need for connection, but my desire and ability to create meaningful connections for my family and friends. And ultimately experiencing a deeper connection with God. God, who set things up when he prepared for thousands of years and then ushered in the very first Christmas miracle. He did it all in anticipation of connecting deeply with me and you.
Connecting is the beautiful dance of life... it's what we all long for. Christmas preparation sets the stage for meaningful, memorable connections to happen on Christmas Day. But what about the rest of the year? Do I slow down enough to really connect with others and with God? All of life is meant for making meaningful connections... not just at Christmas.
Meaningful connections are not only important but are extremely vital if we want to thrive, especially in the latter years of life. When our lives are nothing but running and striving we miss out. We reach a healthier balance when we slow down and experience emotions of love, joy, pleasure and play. When we connect with each other.
Reading up in my latest choice health and wellness book..."Younger Next Year"... I was intrigued with the following thoughts about connecting...
Did you know the brain has a magical place where the "connecting emotions" play out. This magical place is called the limbic brain. The limbic brain reads the real world and makes emotions out of it. Little happens in our limbic brain when we look at trees or rocks, but when we look at people, people's faces in particular, something explosive happens in the brain. When we look at people we look with a hungry intensity for connection. Functional MRI scanning shows massive sections of the brain waking up to process the information when we are looking at someones face. The limbic brain is devoted to absorbing and interpreting every nuance of facial expression. When a listener leans in to take interest in what we are saying, when we feel a soft touch of understanding or a smile of acceptance and pleasure, this tuning in emotionally creates a great circle of chemistry and a beautiful limbic dance happens either between two people or between a group of people. It is an extraordinary process and happens every second we spend with people. When we tune into each other we effect each other's moods. We have the power to change each other's moods and the experience feels good... or at least it should. We cannot do without the limbic dance of life.
For so many of us the limbic dance becomes optional or just simply too much work. I admit, sometimes it feels really good, other times it just seems awkward and unpleasant. Regardless of negative experiences I am convinced giving up is not a healthy option. I think so often people just don't know what to do to build meaningful relationships. Do we try to make it too complicated? When I ask myself what I need from friends/family the answer is simple... to be listened to and cared about. If that's what I need then I can also give that out. I don't have to have long complicated answers to people's issues, just a few engaging questions, a shoulder to lean on, ears to hear and a heart that genuinely cares.
I'm convinced being healthy means realizing relationships matter and need to be cultivated. I feel a new urgency to exercise not only my physical muscles this year but now too my limbic muscles for deeper stronger connections. It's a must for survival and delivers fantastic pay off if I don't give up. I look forward to finding new ways ways to givie myself and others the gift of a limbic dance not only at Christmas but all year long.
Let's connect, commit and be young!
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