Ready or not, a new year is here. 2010 shouts of excitement, new beginnings, discovery and hope for change while 2009 tucks itself away like a beautifully crafted memory book in the deep places of our hearts... there to stay ...forever. I love this time of year. It creates an urgency to re-examine the lives we live. To celebrate the good and rethink the not so good. To look back and to look ahead. To see where we came from, where are headed and adjust our course. You might call it making New Year's Resolutions. I prefer to call it change and growth... what naturally happens when you've lived 42 years and realize half your life is over. (ouch!... sorry anyone 42 and up).
At 42, we're now standing on top of the hill looking down over the other side. Getting to the top of the hill might tempt us to believe our best years are gone, but just because we are half way there certainly doesn't mean it's over for us. Sliding down the other side of the hill may be even more fun than the climb up. You might not struggle with thoughts like this, but I need to confess... I find myself stressing about getting older more often now than ever. Seriously, wondering if I have even hit the beginnings of a mid-life crisis. I am mad at myself when I think it's too late to explore new interests or when I believe getting older holds nothing worthwhile. As I charge straight ahead into 2010 I determine to banish this wrong picture. I determine instead to see with new eyes that the last half of life can be even better than the first. Age alone never makes life bad.
Like anything worth having however, the second half of life promises great returns only through hard work. There are tides in our lives. When we are young the tide is always behind us pushing us ahead no matter what we do or do not do. As we age the tide slowly turns until it is against us. No more free ride. That's what's so scary about aging, however, if we are willing to press into the tide and use it to become stronger we can live the last half of life with energy and vitality. We don't have to let nature run its course. We can do something about it. The great news is that the tide is not that strong unless we sit back and let it have it's way with us.
The key to pushing against the tide is understanding the nature of growth and decay. Everything in our world degenerates without care and attention. It is the same with our physical bodies. With hard work they grow to become stronger or if left sedentary and uncared for will decay and become weaker. Our bodies look to us to choose between them. Our choice to not exercise and to eat garbage without thinking creates decay and weakness. Exercise on the other hand, is the master signaler in the body to set off cycles of strengthening and repair.
Where to start? We are all at different fitness levels so our starting places will be different. The place to start is a notch beyond your current activity level. If you don't exercise at all, start moving. Take a walk to get your body used to movement again. If you run 3 miles regularly, pick it up and run 3 and 1/2 miles, or try to pick up your pace for one of the three miles. Prevent a plateau effect by challenging your body to the next level by trying something new. If you are used to a treadmill, try using a different cardio machine. In fact, I heard once its best to divide a workout into thirds. For example, use the treadmill for a third of the time, a stationary bike for a third and an eliptical machine to finish. In other words, change it up, challenge your muscles to move in a new way. Don't keep doing the same thing. A well-rounded weekly routine should also include not only cardio, but strength training and flexibility training too.
Your week might look like this...
Monday-- Strength train (an hour of using weights to tone muscles... get a "how to" dvd, they are very helpful if you don't know what you are doing).
Tuesday-- Cardio at least 30 minutes (swim, run, walk, treadmill, zumba :O), step... whatever you enjoy... just get the heart and lungs feeling it).
Wednesday-- Strength train and pilates or yoga. (again dvd's are a goldmine for info and how tos).
Thursday-- Cardio
Friday-- Strength and pilates or yoga.
Saturday-- yes saturday! Choose whatever you feel like doing.
Sunday-- Ok... you can rest.
I must mention again a great dvd I recently have been challenged by ..."The Biggest Loser Workout... Cardio Max". It combines strength training and cardio and is one tough workout. I love it. You might try it and tell me what you think.
Also check out your local newspaper! Mine had information about many new fitness classes starting up for the new year.
Lastly, I mentioned a great book I am reading called "Younger Next Year" in previous posts. There is a wealth of information about how to go about pushing against the tide in the second half of life. It is not by a Christian author but I believe what he has to say about the science of our aging bodies is insightful. Pick up a copy to renew your motivation and determination.
We have lived some great years but I believe the best is still ahead! It's our choice. Make it happen.
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