Monday, December 28, 2009

A Matter of the Heart.... Part II

Sitting in my safe place, I find myself reflecting as I look out the window watching my dog frolick in the new fallen snow. Being a puppy he has never experienced snow before, so I feel joy watching him discover this strange, cold, white stuff. The snow is so deep he must jump up to run through it. With snow covering his snout, he looks back at me like a child hoping to be noticed. My daughter realizes he is outside and finds the same joy as she takes notice of him. She giggles, we make eye contact, smile, and then she takes it a step further. She finds her boots and coat and joins him in the fun. I laugh to myself, sip my tea and enjoy watching them experience such freedom and simplicity... longing sets in deep somewhere in my heart and I reflect deeper.

In my last post, I thought on the heart's tendency to be deceitful and cause pain, but the heart is also a bold place of deep longings and dreams. God-given dreams that he wants to unfold and see emerge for His glory and our good. Sometimes moments like the above can awaken our senses and remind us that we have dreams and longings that have been ignored over the years. Would dreams spring to life if simplicity and freedom marked our lives? Busyness demands every ounce of energy we have and steals away precious time. Once time is gone, it's gone! The reality of how swift time slips away has been scaring me lately.

I ask myself... is the busyness worth it? What am I doing to fill my time? What is stealing my time? I am ready as 2010 approaches. I have already set things up to create new space and time for cultivating deep God-given longings and dreams. I plan to keep writing. Writing is a dream I have had for years and never stopped long enough to consider taking it seriously. I am starting there. I have other dreams too. Photography and painting are two more. Learning ballet, and yet another silly one... getting a tattoo. :O) What about you? Are you looking inside? Are you listening to the deep longings and dreams that God has placed there? They are there for a reason. God has work he wants to do through you and your giftedness. Take time to look at your life and don't let busyness steal it anymore.

OK.... I have been on deep topics lately... I am in deep places. Next post I'll be getting back to fitness! Just a side note... Today I did one of the most challenging work-outs I have ever done... (nothing like a good challenge to tackle stress). If you get a chance go out and get the DVD "Biggest Loser Workout...Cardio Max". No joke, it's tough stuff... you WILL lose weight if you stick with this! My legs are spaghetti today. I LOVE IT!

Until next time...keep dreaming and believing!



  1. Hey Donna - I miss ya! I love hearing your heart! We should get together sometime soon!

  2. Great to see your post. I am ready and waiting for 2010. They say Life comes at ya fast...But as I turn around and glance back, Life passes by ever as swiftly. Though in the "moments", it sometimes seems to drag, Not so.... It's all perspective. :-)
    Here's my little "different" goal for this year. I am going to try and pick up knitting. Seems to be a relaxing hobby for so many "peeps" out there. Let's see if I accomplish this by the end of the year. We'll be watching to see if you tackle your dreams!
    God Bless!


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