Saturday, October 31, 2009

And the winner is...

Hello friends!

As promised to all who posted on my blog in October your name went into a drawing today to win a free copy of Susie Larson's book "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't" and the winner is...

SOON! Soon is a sweet dear participant in my weekend fitness classes. I will plan to bring the book this week Soon. Look for me. If I don't see you I will send you a copy through the mail.

Thanks to you all for your posts and encouragement to me. I plan to do another drawing in the near future so keep visiting and keep posting. I love giving away freebies!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ahhh... the silence

When was the last time you were able to get a few moments to be still and quiet? Or better yet a few hours? In seeking to have a more balanced life I have reserved 2 time slots in my week for quiet reflection and stillness for the purpose of asking God to search my heart. This morning was one of those times. :O)

The last few days have been a furious frenzy! So much going on. And I am finding the older my kids get the busier life is because eveyone has their ideas about how they want to spend their time. My house is a mess and I feel out of control. My mind is also critical toward my family and the way I think things should be. I even had thoughts this morning as I looked at my 12 year old daughter that I wish she would groom herself just a little better, and why in the world is she wearing THAT?

Other thoughts that I caught myself thinking.... "Why does he have to chomp his food?... ewww yuck!", "Gee whiz, why do I have to do everything around here? There are 6 capable people in this house... there is no reason the house should look like this!" Then thoughts would creep in like. "It's because you are a horrible mom! You have failed to train them to be responsible! IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU ARE A LOSER!"

Ever have thoughts like that? Kinda harsh, huh? I was so glad I had reserved a few hours this morning to be quiet, still and to get a grip! I needed to position myself to hear from God and gain a right perspective regarding my heart. Here's what I heard...

It's been busy and stressful yes, family life can be that way, but you are here now and my mercy is new every morning! Enjoy it and know my grace abounds to you always! Don't beat yourself up about busyness. Sometimes life is busy. Keep striving for balance and slow down enough to bring up the deep matters of your heart. It's in the silence and stillness that real transformation takes place. Don't neglect it.

You are feeling critical and irritable toward your family. Why not give me those burdens instead? I care about all that and I know how you feel. But remember, the only person you can change is yourself. Remember all of you are in process and being judgmental never helps does it? I have not called you to judge and be critical but to love, serve and be encouraging instead. Don't be heavy with life burdens, give them to me and remind yourself of what is good, right, excellent, praiseworthy and noble! You free yourself of pain when you choose to love. It is the greatest thing you can do for your family and it will work because LOVE NEVER FAILS! Mercy triumphs over judgment. My mercy was extended to you and the whole world while you were still sinners! You were still in process and still are and it's always my loving kindness that draws people, not condemnation and judgment.

You are never a loser in my eyes. That is a lie. You are my special treasure. I am accomplishing my purpose in you. Keep looking up to gain a right perspective. You are loved, forgiven and chosen. Be free and light in my love.

I hope you will take a minute to be still to hear his wonderful voice in your circumstances today!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Few Thoughts on Dieting

Once you determine that you want to give yourself the gift of exercise everyday there are a few thoughts I'd like to share about dieting. Here's my advice... DON'T DO IT!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOUR ARE BECOMING MORE ACTIVE.

FOOD IS YOUR FUEL! Food is essential! Food is energy! Food is what your body lives on! You wouldn't think of traveling a long distance without gas in your car... it simply wouldn't be possible. It's the same with your body. If you are expending more energy through exercise you need more fuel not less. Many people make the mistake of thinking, "Now that I'm exercising I am going to cut back in my eating too and then the weight will really come off!" WRONG! You need to be realistic. You won't be able to over time sustain the kind of diet most people try when attempting to lose weight. You know, those diets that cause you to starve.

I'd like to change your thinking forever about dieting. When we diet (take in less than we expend) our body gets confused and kicks into "famine mode". It stores the fuel that lasts the longest in famine. The fuel it stores is not protein, or carbs... it's FAT! Your body will store fat so that you may live as long as possible in famine. In addition, most of the weight you lose on a starvation diet is water and lean muscle mass, so when you gain the weight back again, and you will because you cannot sustain starvation diets for for very long, what you lose in lean muscle mass will be gained back as FAT. The lean muscle mass you once had will not magically reappear. You will need to do the hard work of strength training to build it back up. That's why the same 40 pounds when gained back will feel looser, fatter and heavier than they did before. Every time you lose weight and gain it back you are getting weaker and fatter.

Instead of dieting in such a non-productive way use that same detrmination to exercise. You need strength training and some kind of cardio to get the best results. Don't allow your muscle mass to wither away through dieting. You need that muscle to be strong and fit for life. Your lean muscle also burns fat. So the more lean your muscles are the more efficient your body will be at buring fat. Even when sleeping your body will be burning fat. Kinda nice huh? Oxygen is also a fuel that burns fat. So you want to include cardio at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes or more at a time... (more on oxygen in future posts).

Sustaining a rigerous exercise routine requires that you keep the fuel coming! Fuel up every day with a healthy breakfast and make it your goal to fill your plate 1/2 full at lunch and dinner with fresh frutis and vegis, 1/4 full with whole grains and 1/4 full with protein.

There is soooo much more to share about diet and exercise... it will have to wait for another post. In a nutshell for now... enjoy your food and move your body!

Be blessed and nourished!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Survivng H1N1

It's been a tough week in the Wagner household! My youngest daughter was diagnosed with H1N1 flu virus on Wednesday. I am happy to say that she is doing MUCH better and the rest of our family is still symptom free! I attribute that to the many prayers so many friends have offered up for her and our family! You know who you are... YOU ROCK!!! THANK YOU!!! Keep praying PLEASE. We still have 2 more days to wait to see if symptoms show up before we are declared OK.

I have also been on the receiving end of some great advice and tips for preventing it's spread among our family. Some information I knew, but other pieces of good advice I did not realize about H1N1. If it comes close to you and your loved ones consider the following preventions...

H1N1 only enters through the nose and mouth/throat. Contact with H1N1 is not so much the problem as proliferation is. In order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infection follow these very simple steps...

WASH HANDS! often as you can.

Keep your hands off your face! Resist the temptation to touch your face unless eating or bathing.

Gargle 2 times a day with warm salt water or listerine.

H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in throat and nasal cavity to proliferate. Gargling is inexpensive and a powerful preventative method and will kill the virus before it takes effect.

Clean your nostrils with saline nasal mist like Ayr, which is a simple bottle of saline solution that you can squirt in each nostril several times a day. OR you can simply clean with warm salt water. Blow your nose hard once a day and swab both nostrils dipped in warm salt water. Very effective.

Boost your natural immunity with Vitamin C (citrus fruits). Take zinc with your Vitamin C supplements to boost absorption.

Drink warm liquids as much as possible. Hot tea is especially good and has the same effect as gargling but in the reverse direction. It helps wash off prolifearion viruses from the throat to the stomach where they cannot survive or do harm.

Let's keep praying for each other in regard to this flu bug and thank God for the preventative things we can do to stay healthy!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A chance to win a copy of Susie Larson's book!!!

Hello Friends!

A couple of you have mentioned wanting to purchase a copy of Susie Larson's Book "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't" after reading the blog posts below about living a balanced life.

I have great news! I have an extra copy of the book I'd like to give away to someone who posts a comment on my blog. If you have already posted a comment thank you!!! It's so fun to read your thoughts and is such an encouragement to me! Post a comment and your name will automatically go into the drawing. I will plan to draw a name at the end of October and will send the winner a copy of the book!

Hope you will join the fun!!!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Balanced Woman Looks Like....

From Susie Larsons book... "Balance That Works When Life Dosen't" pg. 32-33.

*Someone who, even though she is cleaning the house to prepare for company, takes her litte ones outside and runs around with them for a while.

*Someone who would rather bless than impress.

*Someone who dares to say no to something she knows she is not called to, even though she might disappoint others.

*Someone who senses a call on her life and dares to say yes, even though she feels unqualified.

*Someone who guards and protects her time spent with the Lord.

*Someone who gives herself the gift of exercise several times a week.

*Someone who is willing to interrupt her workout if a f riend needs prayer or her child needs a hug.

*Someone who, several times a day, pauses to acknowledge God's presence.

*Someone who refuses a busy, harried lifestyle.

*Someone who is willing to push herself beyond what is comfortable for the purpose of growth.

*Someone who is teachable.

*Someone who is flexible.

*Someone who hates gossip.

*Someone who loves peace.

*Someone who looks at difficult people with God in mind.

*Someone who holds tight to faith, hope and love.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Finding Balance

A well balanced life is currently a hot topic in my life. For about a year now I have been contemplating what a well balanced life looks like. I teach a health and wellness class at my church. We get together to exercise and then study a book to help us grow spiritually as well. The book we were studying last year was called "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't". (great book... read it!) At that time I was insanely busy and I knew it. I felt the Lord leading me to begin to take a look at my life and to start weeding out some ares. But where was I to start?

The author Susie Larson remined us that everyone's life involves these three things... 1. Input 2. Output and 3. Rest. She says, if we tend to emphasize one of these areas to the expense of the rest then imbalance results. In all of life we are experiencing one of these three things. What changes is the degree that we do them. Think about where you are right now. I had to sit down and make a list of everything I was doing and ask is this input (nourishment), output (response) or rest(replenishment)? It was clear that my output was way out of proportion to my input. I needed to make some changes. God was so gracious giving me time to let go of certain areas one at time and then confirming those decisions and setting me free.

I am in a much better place today, however, I still struggle with saying no and keeping a balanced life consistent. I learned through that experience that I so much need my alone time to rest and be refreshed so that I am able to give out more effectively when it's time for output. I can't give, give and give without giving to me. I will surely wither and experience burnout.

I love how Susie says it.... "We wander away from balance when we neglect, forget,or think we don't need all three of these components in our lives. We can't eat a lot and never exercise, we can't exert ourselves constantly without food and we can't neglect rest." she continues..."if we take a deeper look at what comes into our lives, what goes out from us, and how we get replensihed again, if we manage our lives at this level--we will get to the core of where we put our time and why."

I learned from Susie that God wants to nourish us deeper both physically and spiritually so that we can be more alive in Christ! Expect that God is up to something today and stop to notice what he wants to show you. Maybe it's the cool breeze in your face, or the wonderful scent of your favorite candle burning or the sound of laughter from your children. Be in awe of the gifts he sends your way everyday and NOTICE them. Then pause long enough to relish in them and tell God thank you. This is input and brings life! Be ready too to be used by Him to bring life to others in any way you can (output). Exercise your amazing body and give it the movement it so desperately needs, eat a healthy meal and then lay down at the end of the day to rest peacefully. You need all three components for a healthy balanced life both in the physical realm and the spiritual!!!

Be blessed, be nourished!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Start Slow and Give Grace

Do you ever notice once a decision is made to begin the hard work of starting something new that a "too much too soon" syndrome seems to set in? I expect all my efforts to be an instant success and any changes I desire to happen now! Instead my expectations usually go unmet and I am let down with big disappointment. Sometimes I even want to give up because I am unwilling to be OK with slow starts and perseverance .

After giving birth to my 3rd child I determined it was time to pay attention to my physical fitness again after approximately eight years of doing pretty much nothing. I was so determined and excited to get started! And get started I did! I jumped in full speed ahead. After my first day at the gym I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I woke up the next morning. I could hardly move. I remember how difficult it was to even lower myself to sit on the toilet. My quads were on fire! I ended up not going back to gym for a good 2 weeks because I also had pulled a muscle and felt awful. I was so discouraged but determined I would not give up. Instead, I humbled myself when I was OK to return to the gym and decided it best to start out a little slower. To take baby steps allowing my body to get used to what I was asking it to do. Why push myself beyond what I was capable of doing? Never mind the buff girl on the treadmill able to run at an insane pace for 45 minutes. At one point she had had a starting place too and if asked I'm sure she also had a story to share. We all do. I learned quickly as I looked around the gym that everyone has a different fitness level and that we are all capable of working our way up to higher and stronger fitness levels. The key is to respect where we are in the process and remember how amazing God has made our bodies. If we condition our bodies though movement we will only get stronger and able to live out our days with more energy. We also do well to work slow and build up to the next fitness level by being consistent and respectful of our current limitations and thankful for the strength we do have!

Spiritual growth somewhat resembles this process as well. We do well to not expect too much too soon, lest we be disappointed in our lack of progress and feel the temptation to give up. We also must resist the temptation to compare our maturity level with others on the faith journey. God is in process with all of us and the real key in our growth is realizing that it ultimately depends on God's work in us not our effort to do better. The Bible says... "It is God who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose." Our part is to love Him with all our energy and to have faith in what He has already done. So the workout in our spiritual life is all about FAITH! When I am discouraged because I feel I am not doing enough myself to grow spiritually I must always come back to faith in the Cross. Jesus death on the Cross took care of all my spiritual issues. His mercy is new every morning and He meets me there. But just like my body has so much potential to bring me life as I work it and move it to give it what it needs to thrive, so too does my heart and my soul. God intends my heart to grow into something beautiful as I open myself up to Him and do the hard work of FAITH. There is so much that is true about you and it is revealed in the Bible. Take a look and decide to have faith that what it says about you is true! Exercise a posture toward God and allow Him to do a beautiful work.

Ask me about Fit for Life if you are interested in being part of a physical and spiritual fitness class. :O)

Monday, October 5, 2009


In any pursuit in life there is always the beginning. There are many areas in life that are worth pursuing, but getting started is always the hardest part. I recently started a new job. WOW! The first few weeks were overwhelming and I'm still getting used to it! Talking to college students reminds me how overwhleming the first week of classes are as professors unload the entire sememsters objectives. Beginning the hard work of healing a relationship or starting a family, all these pursuits and more can overwhelm anyone sometimes to the point of not wanting to begin at all. Why is it easier to just stay put and not do the hard work required to get to the places we want to be? We don't like to press against the current, we would raher just ride along with it.

Two areas we especially tend to "ride along with it" involve our physical and spiritual health and wellness. The thought of becoming healthier either physically or spiritually to most people is overwhelming! I have been there many times! But with a little thought it seems most of my problems are eliviated when I pay attention to who I am physically and spiritually and BEGIN the hard work of discipling myself to nurture these areas. I feel so much more alive when I take a quick run around the block and get the oxygen flowing! I feel I live to my full potential when I listen to what God might want to say about my "oh so wise" outlook on life and then how He gently reminds me of a better way.

What about you? Is it time to pay attention to your health and holiness? I am starting the hard work of BEGINNING this blog site with these two areas in mind...hence my title "Fitness and Freedom." I would love to journey with you as we BEGIN the hard, but oh so necessary work of passionately pursuing life that is truly life!
