Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Eye of the Storm
Over the years our family has developed a pattern during this week... we spread a big puzzle out and sit down together at our leisure and work on it as we talk about idle topics. We choose novels to read... this year I'm reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. GREAT BOOK! Each morning before I drag myself out of bed I give myself the luxury of reading my novel for 2 hours or as long as I want. We also enjoy sitting down to eat together for as many meals as we can... I especially love when Rick makes pancakes in the morning for everyone. We also keep a variety of board games purchased as family Christmas gifts under the tree... from time to time one of us will pull one out and suggest we play it together. We watch movies or GO to the movies together... this year we went to see "Voyage of the Dawn Treader". Most of the week we also keep a fire burning in the fireplace to add to the warm, homey, safe and welcoming feeling that just seems to ooze all over the place this sacred, special week of the year.
This week, tucked between Christmas and New Year's, is a gift indeed as it gives us margin to re-group before we begin yet another year in this thing called life. I believe the sacred week was made for rest! In the context of rest healing can happen... relationships can deepen, decisions can be made, new directions can be pursued and life becomes richer as we begin another year.
As you rest take some time in the last few days of this sacred week to make a date with yourself. Write down thoughts about last year... jouney back and record the big events that happened each month. Include your hopes, regrets, joys and emotions and then dream a little about the future. No need to make guilt producing promises just be honest with yourself and free yourself to dream. I plan to use what I have written as a prayer to meditate on everyday for 2011. It includes lessons learned, dreams I long for and love I hope to share to help others grow.
I hope the next few days, before 2011 comes charging in, you give yourself the gift of stopping to fill up with new thoughts to move you forward into your best year yet!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
TRX... Total Resistance Exercise
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Way of the Waves
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Commit to Community
I love the way this verse beautifully reveals God's heart for community, his desire to see us committed, taking time to meet, doing life together and urging us to do so all the more with no thought of giving up.
I have a great group of friends... friends I have tried to make an effort to meet with for over 13 years. In our early years, we flocked together as often as possible in an effort to survive the most challenging season of our lives (parenting toddlers and preschoolers). We endured the loud crashes of toys they liked to dump all over the floor and the high pitched screams of, no kidding.. when we all got together, a total of 15 kids who had no problem conquring the lower realms of my bi-level home. In the chaos, we somehow used the time to encourge each other to get the parenting job done! We laughed and shared stories as we slapped 15+ peanut butter and jelly sandwiches together and scrounged up extra chairs and squeezed all 15 squirming toddlers around my kitchen table which was made to seat only six. Sometimes we even tried to pray together dispite the annoying, dramatic interruptions. It was a riot!
It's fun to have so many memories of those days... Even though it was a crazy time, it had a free and inviting way about it because there was no predetermined schedule. The flexibility in my day always allowed time for community and it grew naturally and thrived as we shared our lives raising toddlers together. I loved being available to meet needs as they came, figuring out how to best handle a bruised knee, or deciding that NOW was a good time to walk to the park and run around, or to discern that it might be a good time to stop by a friend's house to visit. Forgetting to meet together was not a problem for me in those days. So glad I experienced such a season... I am still reaping the benefits today!But today it is a totally different story... we are all scattered in different directions, kids with school and activities, adults with jobs and responsibilities. Fitting into my new, more structured environment feels tight and I often long to re-capture the free and loose fit of earlier days. The restriction limits my freedom to go with the flow and my family and I must follow a schedule. I'm OK with it. I'm not thinking just because it's "tighter" it's "wrong". I just find it's harder to keep community in the equation because I'm always concerned about what's next on my agenda, forgetting to stop and enjoy a chance for breakfast conversation with my husband, or to whisper words of encouragement in my children's ears as leave for their day, or invite a friend to lunch to catch up. I'm trying to learn to find a new way, in this structure, to flow through my day and grasp a little community on the way. I may not have an entire afternoon to do it like I used to but still a little encouraging and connecting here and there adds up and I trust it is just as powerful.
I am convinced the gift of who we are to each other is priceless. You are a beautiful gift to me and I am a gift to you because we have stories to share with each other and somehow God uses our stories to mysteriously build us up into something even more beautiful! We need each other to live to our full potential. ~As we jouney along let's not forget to do it together! It's up to us to find ways to connect, to build up, to encourage and commit to community!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Heavy Basics
I love the challenge of including the insight I'm learning in my weekly training routine. Have I said it before? I love my job!!!
Most recently I have decided in my weight training to begin to lift heavier. For years I have been using approximately the same amount of weight doing lots of repetition which is great for maintaining, however, too many times we focus on specific body parts and think if I work this area a little harder it will look the way I want it to. Lifting heavier, doing fewer reps and shifting the focus to becoming STRONGER I now believe is a better mindset. WHY? Because when your overall body becomes stronger your body composition will line up the way you want it to... tighter abs, more shapely shoulders, etc... Think about the physique of people long ago... when everyday life involved more physical labor, farming and even factory workers... or think of construction workers today. Why do they look so great physcially? Because the work they do everyday made them STRONG and a strong body is an evenly proprotioned, lean, beautiful body! Today we sit behind desks and eat junky proccessed food. No wonder we look the way we do.
If you have a choice to either jump on a tradmill or lift weights... choose the weights. Cardio conditioning is great but if you get your cardio through working a hard fast moving, power-packed weight training session with bursts of cardio interspersed between sets of lifting rather than a 30-40 minute treadmill run you will burn more fat and get more results. WHY? Because you are not only developing a stronger heart and set of lungs but you are also building muscle.
When you weight train you are breaking down your muscles, stressing them, causing micro-sized tears in the fiber. How could that be good you ask? It is, because the sore feeling you have a day later is the muscle fiber repairing itself, building itself up, getting leaner and stronger, giving you the beautiful physique and the energy you need to live life. When you weight train, your body continues to work hard hours after the workout is over. The body has to work hard to repair the micro-tears. The hard work burns more calories and even burns them as you sleep... while a cardio workout alone will stop burning calories as soon as the work out is over. A lean body is more efficient at burning fat. More lean muscle mass will work in your favor in every area of your life.
In weight training it's also advisable to stick to the basics! The basics work, always have always will. What are the basics? PUSH-UPS, SQUATS, CURLS, DEAD-LIFTS, OVERHEAD PRESS, BENCH PRESS, ROWS AND LUNGES. You can build a strong, beautiful physique doing nothing more than consistently lifting heavy with these 8 basics. A good set might be choosing an exercise and lifting 4 sets of 4 reps as heavy as you can, then do 8 sets of 8 reps with a slightly lighter weight and ending with a still lighter weight of 25 reps to max out the area you are training.
Sticking with light weights and doing tons of reps will cause your body to hit a plateau and no new growth will happen... again, ok for maintaining, but if you want to keep getting stronger challenge your muscle to lift a little heavier each time you work out. Keep a training journal to record your weight amounts and record your progress. When you reach a new goal celebrate and keep going! Decide soon to include strength training as part of your lifestyle, deciding it to be just as important as eating or sleeping, becoming consistent for the rest of your life and watch what happens!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Dainty Morsels
The earliest memory I have was the time Tammy (not her real name), my worst enemy in Junior High, who also happened to be big and tough, found out from someone I thought was my friend that I had been saying things about her... I don't even remember what I was saying, probably something about how much I hated her. I confess, I did hate her because she hated me for no reason, she gave me dirty looks and would call me names to my face and laugh at me everytime I walked by... she scared the crud out of me. If you knew me back then I was shy, timid and very puny so you can imagine the scene. It was the girl's locker room. I was quietly changing back into my clothes from the obnoxious gym suits we had to wear in P.E. Tammy stomps up behind my back and just stands there so that when I turn around all I see is her towering figure staring down at me. My so called "friend" was standing behind her with a look of apology on her face as Tammy shouted... "So, I hear from Kim (not her real name) that you have been talking about me!" To my surprise I shot back at her quite confidently on the outside, heart pounding on the inside... "Yes, I did... and it's because I don't get why you hate me so much... not sure why you would be surprised... anyone would talk about a person who treats them as horrible as you treat me.... you don't even know me, ... you might find I'm a really nice person if you just gave me a chance." That's all I said and stood there waiting for a punch in the face, instead Tammy just stood there. Not knowing what to do next I turned around and finished changing my clothes. Finally she said... "are you saying you want me to give you a chance?" I turned around, rolled my eyes and said, "Um.... NO!" She had nothing else to say to me after that... and I couldn't believe I was actually walking right by her with no punch in my face or name calling. After that her dirty looks and name calling actually stopped! She simply left me alone, leaving me relieved and proud that I had stood up for myself.
We all have our silly stories that we laugh about now. For some reason I woke up today with thoughts about gossip on my mind and the various times I have been talked about and the times I have done the talking. It's such a killer. Is there anything more painful than to hear someone is saying things about you behind your back? As I reminisced I experienced the pain all over again just as if it had happened yesterday. Knowing the pain it causes, why are we so drawn by it when we are not the one being talked about and then so completely offended by it when it is us? Scripture says... "What dainty morsels rumors are-- but they sink deep into one's heart."
I know my ears have done their share of perking up to gossip... just yesterday I overheard a gossipy conversation and was able to figure out who they were talking about. I kept saying in my mind... "STOP LISTENING TO THAT!" but at the same time I was feeling pretty good because I too have had hurtful issues with this particular person and felt a sense of satisfaction in knowing I wasn't the only one who felt this way. It was as if I couldn't control my thinking... but later when I got into my car I took those thoughts and began to examine them more closely. I felt sad because the reality of it was that my heart was taking satisfaction in hearing something damaging about someone else's charatcer. Why would knowing something bad about someone else make me feel good??? OH YUCK! In my thoughts I prayed... "I'm so sorry... I have no business making judgements! How can I? I don't have all the information and even if I did I am still not in a place to judge. I am always called to love! Instead I should be praying for this person and also doing something nice for them."
Understanding the negative effects of gossip are never realized more deeply until we are on the receiving end of unfounded gossip, comprehending the real damage it causes, experiencing the helplessness and anger it creates within. In times like this release from the pain is possible. There is only One who is all knowing, who sees deeper into the heart, who evaluates the circumstances in perfect wisdom and limitless grace and mercy and who doesn't comdemn us even if the rumor has some truth to it. If I have a God like that, who regards people as precious in his sight and has made all people in his image, I too need to regard people the same way. If GOD doesn't condemn what business do I have condemning?
A change in perspective is needed to consistently live with this kind of freedom! Take my original story about Tammy... I bet she had some issues in her home life to cause her to lash out at an innocent target like me in Jr. High. If it had been possible for me to have such a mature outlook at that age it would have prevented me from gossiping about her in the first place. Maybe I could have tried talking to her about why she treated me so badly.
When we gossip about how horible people are due to their behavior towards us aren't we being just as horrible as they? What does gossiping about it accomplish? If it makes us feel better that's not saying much... it just shows there's junk in our own heart that needs to be removed.
Because I have been the target of some pretty damaging gossip in my life it has caused me to think twice about spending time with someone who talks too much! I can't help but wonder... "when she's with others does she talk about me too?" I also immediately feel sorry for the one being talked about and try not to allow what I'm hearing to have any effect on me and instead to have an even better idea in my mind about that person. Let's face it... we all have bad days, sometimes bad seasons, and instead of being the target of someone else's gossip wouldn't it be life giving to be the recipient of one who noticed the hurt and gave out love and support? Why increase the burden? Why not lighten the load with love?
It's the most powerful thing we can do... We might think gossip makes us feel more powerful but in reality it only creates a rotting effect. Love and building up others is what really empowers! I only hope I can aspire to it.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Wanting More...
So I push it all down and refuse it's there... but wait long enough and it comes back up. So I ask... what is it I want? Searching within, honestly, I'm not even sure... but I sit still with it today, still enough to notice my own deep breath and quiet longing for help and clarity as if maybe there is a 3 step formula available to me if I just seek hard enough.
I am 23 years into knowing God. Presently, it feels like I am examining my faith and my heart and why I believe what I believe. For so long I have just accepted what strongly opinionated people say (the type who seem to have God neatly packaged into a box) for fear of their wrath if I dare to disagree. The churning in more recent years keeps getting louder and it sometimes creates fear in me. I don't want to believe I'm somewhat unsettled but I cannot deny it either. I ask God about it often and confess that pat answers just don't seem to work for me anymore. It's simply where I find myself along the journey God has me on. In my "chaos" I long for the neat, clean "3 step formula". I catch myself searching for it and say to myself... "It's the 3 step formula that has gotten me through past obstacles before hasn't it?" Or so I think... nevertheless because it's been my pattern for so long I search for yet another new formula. I need the formula so I can get a hold on this... to control my life... to move on.
What does God think of my "wanting more"? I ask him that often... Is this a normal part of growth or am I having some sort of crisis or is it a type of spiritual warfare? Shouldn't it be neater and cleaner than this? One thing I do sense deeply from God as I sit with him in the chaos... He is always on my side, nothing about me will ever surprise him and he will always love me. As the apostle Paul said... HIS GRACE IS ENOUGH... no matter the situation! The anchor of love is strong enough to hold me steady and keep me safe as the water rages and the waves persist in their effort to submerge and overwhelm.
Sitting longer with these thoughts, it dawns on me... that's all I really need to know. I don't need a formula because no matter how hard I search for one or how much I believed in my fomulas of the past, in reality, there aren't any... I can't formulate love and relationship and that's what God is all about. He loves me, we have a relationship that is organic and morphing and changing all the time. He desires I know Him as best I can this side of heaven, but I keep getting in the way. He waits patiently for me to grow, change and understand. He orchestrates circumstances so my heart has the opportunity to see things more clearly or in a new way. Replacing less than ideal perspectives for new better ones. The only way to reach higher ground is through experience... hard and trying experience and not through manipulating a magical 3 step process. I don't fully know everything about my present chaos, but it is a relief in a weird kind of way to discover that the formula thinking I so often run to is not of God... He is WAY too big for that.
Thinking on the Scriptures I started this post with... I see a little more clearly....
Be content because GOD IS WITH YOU...this big God is with ME, encouraging contentment not because it's a rule to follow and I'll be zapped if I don't, but because He is with me, able to create a quiet confidence, expel fear, calm chaos, and heal hurt with mercy and compassion... I am secure even when I don't realize it or feel it because He is simply with me.
The relational aspect of God shows up too in the encouragement to be thankful... "Be thankful because it is God's will for you IN CHRIST JESUS"... Somehow I am mysteriously in Christ Jesus, secure and eternally safe, protected, loved and known, cherished and always thought of. These thoughts can only bring a sense of thanks for such love.
Formulas, though they may seem neat and clean, will leave us wanting... Understanding love is there, even in chaos and even though we can't always grasp the abiguity of it, somehow settles us securely into quiet confidence, unwavering contentment and heart felt gratitude as we press on along the journey.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Being Fit... an act of Love?
We all know there are Biblical principles about being strong spiritually but there are also Biblical principles about being strong physically. When I feel guilty about taking the time to exercise I remind myself that Biblical principles reveal that it's simpy the right thing to do. No need for gulit as if taking time for it is selfish and ungodly, as if it's neglecting other more godly duties of life. No doubt there are many duties needing my time and attention, but a well balanced life is one that not only gives out what's needed but also receieves nourishment and times of refreshing so we might have more energy to give when duty calls.
One reason God wants us physically strong is because He wants us to have what it takes to love a world in need. He wants us around as long as possible to dish out love to the next generation. Love takes work. If we desire to love well we need the physical energy to do it. Ever notice when you're tired or run down the hardest thing to do is love... which might involve listening or putting the needs of someone else first. I admit when I'm tired, run down or lacking energy I am irritated by the needs of others and certainly not looking to meet anyones needs. I may even do the opposite of loving them, like avoiding them or even hurting or lashing out. Little things become big things and relationships break down as a result.
Taking a little time to workout is a great investment and over time produces the greater physical endurance needed to be a better me all the way around. I become a better mom, friend and wife.... a more productive employee and simply bring a little more sunshine into the world because I'm strong enough to give, contribute and offer up service... not just take, gripe and demand.
I recently read these Scriptures ...
1 Corinthians 13:7
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (sound like work??... I think so).
Psalm 127:2
It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.
Psalm 119:73
You made me, you created me... now give me the sense to follow your commands.
Wisdom for living screams from these Scriptures don't they? ... They seem to say... "Love takes work.. do you have what it takes spiritually and physicallyto love this way?" ... spend your energy wisely so that you are strong enough to love when duty calls. Get enough rest so that you are replenished enough to have something to give a world in need and realize there are common sense things to do to ensure the best life possible. Common sense knows the human body was made to move, to take in nutritious food and to get enough rest. How's it going with that? Where ever you're at on your fitness journey whether just begining or well seasoned, any amount of activity is better than none, small steps are better than no steps, some success is better than giving up and with a lifetime ahead of you to accomplish it what would stop you from pressing on? Visualize what a little exercise along with power packed food choices and plenty of rest can do for you over the long haul and join with God as He rejoices in YOU living to your full potential in Him.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My Latest Love... Personal Training
What a joy it has been to meet with people one-on-one, giving them their own custom designed workout and motivating them to make fitness their new lifestyle and not just a hit or miss effort to lose a few pounds this summer. Encouraged to think long-term, people stuck in a sedentary lifestyle look up the road a few years and visualize themselves with more energy and less fatigue as they move through their day. They understand that what they do today WILL effect the qualtiy of their lives tomorrow. It's such a privelege to help them keep this vision in sight when they face obstacles or discouragement, reminding them the effects of a sedentary lifestyle didn't happen overnight and the benefits of an active lifestyle will take some time too... BUT the payoff for long haul consistency is GUARANTEED... they WILL see improvement... that's the way it works... give the human body what it needs and it will give an amazing return on the investment. In fact a WHOLE NEW BODY can be had in 2 years through perserverance and consistency! It's a change that happens on a cellular level from the inside out. Through exercise and treating your body right, old toxic cells are replaced by newer healthier cells, and over time a healthier and younger you will emerge.
Convincing people they can be younger next year is the greatest job I have been privelged to assume. Every time we meet is a chance to fill their minds with the myriad of reasons why they wouldn't want to give up and the limitless number of benefits that await them. Recently, one client came in so excited to see some definition in her biceps from all the bicep curls she has been doing this summer. She knows that building lean muscle will create a more efficient body that burns fat even as she sleeps. It's thoughts like these that keep her pushing through the last gruling set of muscle firing squats. I love seeing her work hard and noticing the determination in her face that refuses her any room for giving up. It makes my day every time!!!
We all can be younger next year if we allow exercise, nutrition and committment to replace our sedentary lifestyles... it's that simple... and if it's not that simple for you then maybe try a personal trainer who will help jump start your desire to exercise, motivate you to be consistent and will find it a joy to be there for you to assure you meet your fitness goals today and into tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Oh, Summer!
What is that? I'm OK with it really. It's Summer right? Kinda forget as an adult what it was like as a young person. Do you remember Summer as a young person?... Oh, to have that time of life back again... hanging with neighbor friends, riding bikes for hours, going to the park playing frisbee and looking for cute boys, walking to Dairy Queen and enjoying icecream without worry of belly bulge, blasting the music out my bedroom window as we sunbathed on the roof or swam in my back yard pool all day... I even remember thinking to myself one Summer day as I splashed water on my sunkissed face while lounging on a raft in the pool and watching my dad rush off to work ... "I should really enjoy these days... when else in life will I have a chance to be so care free... it's sure to become more complicated when I get older and have a family and responsibilities." I was rather wise for my age, giving myself permission to be carefree, understanding summer is a unique time for a young person, to be embraced as a once in a lifetime opportunity to chill and enjoy before real life comes crashing in full force.
Today as I reminisce, I smile as I listen to the laughter, watch the horseplay and smell the effects of playing hard. When I start to feel stressed or frazzled due to their lack of structure I will remember it's ok to allow for some of that as long as they have some semblance of productivity in there somewhere. Which they do.... thank God. But for the majority of the summer I want them to be carefree kids, creating lasting, lifetime memories to tuck away as part of their journey before life launches them into the real world, when such long stretches of leisure are bound to slip away in exchange for new seasons of maturity and responsibility. Watching them enjoy their season of "young, wild, and free"reminds me to keep embracing my new seasons too, tucking away the unique blessings that come with each one, not rushing ahead trying to live in the next, but relishing the here and now. It's good to know that even though seasons may change, each one is uniquely loaded with surprises, goodness and this amazing thing called life.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I am a ROCK...
Listen to the lyrics... (you'll probably end up singing to yourself... great song dispite sad message!) -- OR listen to it... see link above.
A winter's day... in a deep and dark December. I am alone~ gazing from my window, to the streets below, on a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow... I am a rock... I am an island.
I've built walls, a fortress deep and mighty, that none may penetrate. I have no need of friendship, friendship causes pain, it's laughter and it's loving I distain... I am a rock, I am an island. Dont talk of love... well, I've heard the word before. It's sleeping in my memory. I won't disturb this slumber, of feeling I have died, if I never loved I never would have cried.... I am a rock, I am an island! I have my books... and my poetry to protect me. I am shielded in my armour, hiding in my room, I touch no one and no one touches me... I am a rock, I am an island... and a rock feels no pain... and an island never cries...
The song is powerful really... I wondered the writer's intent. Was it to mock such thoughts of isolation or does it really articulate the true feelings of some? Nontheless, it certainly can create a justification in any troubled, hurt and lonely heart to just give up. If one hurts, it's easy to listen to the song and fall into the temptation to sulk and resolve that... yeah... I am a rock... a strong unpenetrable rock... able to go it alone in life! "BUT WHAT A LIE..." I want to scream!!! Resolving to be "a lone tough guy" doesn't define what being a rock is at all. And who says crying and pain are bad and to be avoided at all costs?
No doubt, relationships can be painful at times but being relational defines what it means to be human. If we are created in God's image we are relational beings. To isolate seems not an option. God perfectly relates in his existence as the Trinity... the Father, Son and Holy Spirit experiencing perfect fellowship together. God also, through His Son, died a grusome death to not only make possible a relationship with us but also to scream out to his creation what lengths he will go to for the sake of relationship and the incredible value he places on community and connections. It's as if he is trying to communicate that we can be sure if He, being God and all, experienced pain when reaching out to us in love, that we too can count on some possible pain as we reach out in love to others.
God communicates through his action-driven love that love is worth everything we might give up for it... even life itself. No room for giving up. Do you agree? Jeus gave up his life for it. There is Scripture that says... YOUR LOVE IS BETTER THAN LIFE! WOW!!! Interesting thought. God said LOVE IS THE GREATEST thing we can spend our time doing this side of heaven... a worthy investment! The hard part is there may not be any immediate return on the investment. In fact there might even be loss. Love may not be returned to us when we give it out. It involves that risk every time. The loss can sometimes cause us to close down, stop trying, forget that love is about giving regardless of what is returned... thus the song.
How can we keep loving when the object of our love is causing pain-- or how do we risk loving again when rejected? Without God we can't. No one has experienced rejection more than God. He saw our need and loved us, stepped in to take upon himself our need for healing and yet he is rejected by us over and over again. But he continues to give freely. Does God experience painful emotion in his relationship with us? I think so! Thank goodness he didn't decide to become a rock or an island because of the pain, shutting himself away from us, concluding it just wasn't worth it, changing his perfect character quality of perserverance, forgiveness and long suffering. No, He just keeps at it doing what comes naturally for him. Love defines his nature, and love's nature is to GIVE... God so LOVED...that He GAVE! It almost sounds a little nuts. Give without getting anything back and then just keep giving? That's how I believe I understand God's love-- Is that accurate?
So what about us then? Should we be willing to go out on a limb for the sake of love, regardless of the pain associated with taking risks and possibly being rejected? Or is it better to self-protect? Is self-protection really protection at all or is it self-destruction? How do we embrace Scripture like John 16:33? "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world!" Doesn't it seem if we rest in truth like that it opens the possibility to go out on a limb and face the risk of rejection? It's almost as if God designed our lives to include pain and suffering, along with his guarantee of being an anchor to our soul as we pass through deepest depair. Naturally it feels more logical to be drawn to smooth sailing but what might happen if we choose to sail against the tide of all that comes natural and take chances in the raging water of risk taking, knowing all along there is a strong anchor to steady us, to ground us, to keep us strong enough to weather the storm?
Relationships, like the effects of fuel, empower the quality of life, bringing refreshment where there is a stale exsistence. I hear God asking... "Will you love people for me? I need you to love them for me... get past the surface and be gut-wrenchingly real, realness that frees people to feel safe, safety that soothes, heals and creates a ripple effect that extends beyond your sphere of influence. Let love define you and release limitless possibilities to usher in everything beautiful and purposeful. I CAN USE LOVE. Love is the greatest, remember?"
Why would anyone want to be a Rock or an Island selfishly keeping to self when we can be an unstoppable force of love in the hands of God???
Can I love that way?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Just ask... and see what happens
Monday, March 29, 2010
A Healing Touch
Although massage services deplete what little I carry in my wallet, I am convinced the benefits of an occassional massage far outweigh the cost in the long run. The gains physically and mentally add years to life. How so?...
In our stress filled lives, there is no doubt touch is one of the most pleasurable ways to relax our hardened muscles and tense, worrried minds and allow the flow of life to course through our body again. When muscles are relaxed all our physical processes show improvement and work more efficiently so that we even clarify our perspective... On the other hand tense muscles and sluggish lymphatic systems can cloud perception and create a less than accurate perspective on life.
Stress, in engineering terminology, is defined as "the deformation or change caused on a body by the internal forces that work on it." The same definition can obviously be applied to humans. Humans are rather like rubber bands, they can only be stretched so far before they snap.
We need the healing effects of relaxation, sometimes coming in the form of massage, to counteract the negative effects of life stress. Remember that stress whether it is good stress or bad effects the body in the same way and without setting yourself up with outlets for stress release, the negative effects will threaten your physical, emotional and mental wellness. The healing effects from touch are a gift from God and are one way to help allieviate the hard knocks of life and usher in a more peaceful existense.
A massage assists the mind/body connection to produce endorphins... the body's own natural pain relievers. A massages effects on the muscle are the most obvious physical benefit... especially after exercise. Have you ever experienced a condition called DOMS after exercise? It's known as DELAYED ONEST MUSCLE SORENESS and is that oh... so wonderful deep muscle pain we feel apporximately 24 hours later. The soreness comes from microtears in muscle tissue from the contracting and resisting work we experience during exercise. After exercise our muscles go through a process of repairing muscle fiber which also involves inflamation. Water build up puts pressure on sensitive pain receptors in muscle fibers and the massage process helps assist the movement of fluid through the body and relieves some of the pain associated with DOMS.
Massage benefits not only muscles but also bones. When muscles are tense they pull on bones and place them under pressure. The pulling muscle can cause less circulation to the bones because capillaries and veins are contracted. Our bodies need all the oxygen they can get so massage is a great way to help assist in delivering oxygen more effectively. Massage also aides in removing toxin build up in stiff joints caused from overwork and injury which if left untreated can lead to arthritis (number one debilating disease in USA). Massaging affected areas can bring relief and healing to those who suffer joint pain.Massage can also...
*Normalize blood pressure.
*Reduce the output of adrenline.
*Assist to slow down rapid breathing.
*Relax the nervous system.
*Bring clarity for rational decision making and...
*Bring out healthier glowing skin.
So does massage add years to life? ...absolutley and a resounding YES! In fact, massage is an ancient, centuries old, time-tested and true preventative approach to health and wellness (as evidenced by ancient Egypitan wall paintings etc...). With the development of synthetic medicine the western world became increasingly critical of healing methods such as massage and reflexology and other popular alternative therapeutic practices. No doubt, the medical world has come a very long way over the centuries and I totally respect and value the gains, however, tackling wellness using a "treat the symptom" approach without equally embracing preventative approaches is like playing russian roulette with your health. Why would anyone want to take chances with their most valuable possession when instead odds could be improved by taking a preventative approach (massage, stress relief exercises, reflexology, etc...) in combination with using "treat the symptom" medication when needed? Something to think about??? Be preventative! It's the future wave of tackling health and wellness!
Looking forward to THURSDAY 1:00!!!
Donna :O)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A Potent Call
I have heard many wise people speak a word about SIMPLICITY. Don't you just love the sound of that word? I long for the simple, unrushed, peaceful and refreshing benefits that would come from a life lived in simplicity. Sometimes I do walk in simple places but more often I stumble back into the complex chaotic life of frenzy. The temptation to add more and more to my life traps me every time. Our culture screams at us that a busy life is an important life. Even the church can subtly lure us into thinking a busy life is a godly life. Hardly true...
Someone once said... " YOU WILL MAKE THE GREATEST IMPACT IN YOUR LIFE BY BEING POTENT IN YOUR CALLING" Ohhh, I like that! Be Potent! The dictionary defines potent as having authority or influence, powerful, rich in a characteristic constituent. Being potent involves being single minded and intentional about one or two things not the five or six I often find myself trying to juggle. But how does one decide what those one or two things should be?
Someone else once said... "What is it that only YOU... Donna Wagner can do?" As I thought about it, only I can be wife to Rick... only I can be mother to my four children... only I can truly know what's inside that makes me tick. There is a passion God places deep in the fiber of our beings. Things we love to do that are energizing. We may have even dreamed of living out these passions as a child. Think for a while... as a child what did you pretend to be? I believe what we were naturally drawn to as children are clues to lead us into what we are designed as adults to pursue. Could it be God created us with a unique design to carry out a specific calling that he especially equipped us to do? I think so.
It's up to us however to search our hearts to find out what that deep seeded passion and calling is and then to set up our strong boundaries and focus in on being potent in that calling. We are potent when we say no to anything that does not line up with helping us successfully accomplish our unique calling. We say no to anything that would distract or steal away time that would have been spent investing in the call.
As I contnue to plug away at becoming more potent in my one or two areas I remind myself there is GRACE. Aren't you glad God sees us all as works in progress? We are on a journey and the journey takes us down a winding path of learning and becoming... sometimes failing, always being forgiven and as a result becoming stronger more beautiful and useful to Him. Do you know your process is sacred to God? He uses everything that happens to us for something good. I love that! He loves to see what we will learn along the way and he delights in our process. So get rid of the image of God who is impatiently wondering if we will ever arrive. We already have arrived through faith in His Son's work on our behalf... AMAZING!
I tried to stay potent and focused in this post by sticking to one topic... I kinda went off, but hopefully you get the drift... Give some grace... I'm still in process, right?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Performance Perks
Today I am killing two birds with one stone by sharing with you some exciting performance perks that I will need to regurgitate in about two weeks for a personal trainng certification. I figure writing about what I am learning is the best way to study ...right? ... Oh yes, nothing better than writing!
OK... back to ... "It's true!" ...Ever feel like you don't have the energy to finish your workout or that you start to feel weak or even a little dizzy? It may be the food you are eating or not eating before you exercise is the culprit. Some foods will provide a longer sustained entry of glucose into the bloodstream and give you the energy you need to press on and finish your workout. These are the foods to consume prior to exercising. This prolonged entry of glucose helps boost carbohydrate energy and reduce insulin surges. If you have high insulin levels this will contribute to low blood sugar levels and the potential of hypoglycemia may result if combined with exercise. So what are these great pre-exercise foods? Foods such as lentils (yum... you know you love them), apples, oranges and raw carrots make good snacks before exercising and will set you up with more energy so you can avoid the weak feeling and make the time you spend working out count as you push harder during your workout. We have to make that precious time count!
Conversely, there are other foods that are realeased more quickly into the bloodstream. If you feel depleted of energy after a workout it might be you are not refueling enough. Foods you want on hand after a strenous workout to help recover are bagels, pasta, raisins, and baked potatoes. It's recommended you eat at least 50 grams of higher level glycemic carbohydrate as soon after exercise as possible. Then two hours later eat another 50 grams to carry you through your day with more energy as your muscles repair themselves. Your body uses a lot of energy to repair itself. Without powerpacked carbs your energy will fizzle out like a candle without a flame. If you are involved in prolonged endurance training, foods high in electrolytes are also needed for recovery. Good choices are potatoes, yogurt, bananas and orange juice.
Next time you exercise consider what you are eating before and after your workout. See if you feel any difference and if your body responds in new ways as a result of what you do to set yourself up with these power-packed pre and post exercise food recommendations.
Let's do it right!
Donna :O)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Exercise for Your Mind
http://www.crazylovebook.com/ then click on "AWE FACTOR" which you will see on the left side of the page. ENJOY!
Love, Donna
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Golden Fuel
If you guessed breathing you are right! Pumping your body with enough oxygen is something we rarley think about but is a concept vital to health and wellness. Oxygen is the first and most important fuel in your body. The ultimate and most vital ingredient in wellness. The feeder of the internal fire... yes, the golden fuel! The big kahuna... got the picture? No description can do it justice.
The oxygen you take in has a big job to do. We need enough oxygen to feed every cell and muscle. That's no small statement when we realize we have over 75 trillion cells in our bodies. The sad truth is most of us don't get enough oxygen, don't think about working to improve our intake and don't give enough credit to this life-giving source. Cells and muscles live on oxygen. Imagine what happens to cells and muscles that don't get enough oxygen. Add to that excess body fat, weak muscles and cardio system, and an acidic blood stream caused from eating too much junk. This is nothing more than a fertile breeding ground for disease to flourish, for mutating cells to fester and a weak immune system to develop.
So how does oxygen help that sorry looking picture? It helps tremendously... but the key is getting enough! How do you get enough? It's not through normal, shallow, everyday breathing. The kind we don't think about. The breath must be deep and labored enough to fill your lungs completely... in and out, in and out, for 30 minutes or more 3-5 times a week. The only way to nourish your cells and muscles with this penetrating breath of life is through movement! YES... that means exercise! Cardiovascular exercise to be exact.
Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that elevates your heart rate and intensifies your breathing. It's any movement under the sun that you enjoy. Walking is a great place to start... or try swimming, biking, running, hiking. Whatever you love to do that gets your heart and lungs working to distribute that oh so vital energy source... oxygen.
If you are just beginnng or have been at it forever an important concept to keep in mind is YOUR OWN FITNESS LEVEL. For beginners it is easy to let the cardio exercise slip by because when your cardiovascular system is not fit the winded feeling can feel like torture... it's easy to understand why people back off so quickly when they attempt to begin cardio exercise. Feeling winded 30 seconds into it and realizing there are 30 minutes to go might make anyone think that even death would feel better than that... But, OH... can I encourage you to stay on it? You already know why... but now you need to know how... I believe the key is to MODIFY!!!!
We modify when we face up and accept our current fitness level... not getting depressed about it and giving up, but simply starting at a level of intensity that provides an appropriate training effect for our current fitness level. When exercising, consider when the threshold of pain or exhaustion is unbearable and modify so we can stay at it for 30 minutes or more. That might mean taking a jogging pace down to a walking pace or eliminating arm movements from a cardio class.
We LISTEN to our bodies! We aren't wimps when we start slow... we are smart and will more likely be in it for the long haul because we listen to our body and have a goal of carefully and consistently building up to the next fitness level. You do what you can in your current fitness level to make your heart and lungs stronger so they have more endurance to work harder the next time. That's the beauty of it all! The energy we expend today will give us more energy for the next time we plan to move! This consideration of fitness level is what will help you to be more consistent and succesful. In other words... don't compare yourself to someone else's fitness level... respect your own.
We also consider modifying UP when we do become more fit. Always evaluating our current fitness levels and pressing into higher fitness levels through challenging ourselves to ramp it up... no plateu effects! Always thinking... stronger, faster, better!... RIGHT?
Oxygen... it's the golden fuel. Infuse your cells... the building blocks of your body...with a strong dose of it through cardio endurance training as soon as you can, as often as you can, and for as long as you can.
Love and Hugs ~
Donna :O)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Treasure Hunts
This morning I glanced at a wall hanging in my bathroom that says... "Treasure the small things life gives you." A background of lilacs embelishes the print. It reminds me of a bush that blooms stikingly fragrant, deep purple lilacs right outside the front window of our house. Every Spring I throw open the windows and enjoy the way the fragrance wafts through and envelopes each room of the house.
Experiencing my Spring time, lilac-scented breeze reminds me to stop and appreciate the "little things" Gods sends as gifts and reminders of his joyful delight in me... a delight that runs so deep He would even think of a detail like showering me with the divine scent of lilac each Spring. It's a thought like that that jump starts my determination to go on a treasure hunt all day searching for the "small thing" God gives to reveal His love... if I will just pay attention.
Instead of seeing my dog as a inconvenience and in the way as I so often do, I could choose instead to bend down and enjoy the touch of his soft fur, sweet wagging tail and the way he is always so excited to see me. To consider it a reminder that life experiences have gems of blessing if I take the time to look beyond my natural tendency to be selfish, annoyed and easily distracted by "more important" things.
In the Lord's prayer Jesus prays... "...Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." It's my own belief that heaven will be a place absent of rushing about (because there will be no time...right?) and instead a place of recognizing and enjoying the blessings that are there. I won't be selfishly overlooking the very beautiful thing God places in my path to bring refreshment and joy. It is my desire to live that way NOW too... "on earth as it is in Heaven"... unrushed, noticing the beautiful, stopping to recognize each opportunity, each relationship, each chance to be helpful to someone in need, even the work I have to do as a blessing straight from God's hand.
I love the Book of Ecclesiastes. It depcits very normal goings on as directly from God and His attempt at getting us to enjoy the simple delights of life as His gift. It's a place we can see God's heart for the everyday and normal as great blessings to enjoy and revel in rather than overlook. So what is it for you? Don't let the ordinariness of life deceive you into settling into a thankless miserable mindset. Instead might we see the gem that is there and thank God we have eyes to see and ears to hear what's all around.
Eccl 5:18-20
It is good for people to eat well, drink a good glass of wine, and enjoy their work-- whatever they do under the sun-- for however long God lets them live. And it is good to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life--that is indeed a gift from God.
Be FREE and light!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Is Trouble a Blessing?
Having right thinking is vital in anything I do, any goal I have or any longing to make a situation better. When I feel badly about a situation it profoundly effects how I think about almost everything else in life.
I continued to roll these ideas around in my head and even thought about my last post...
On days when I especially don't feel like exercising, so many times I simply change my thinking and fill my mind with everything that is good about exercising and soon I am ready to not only get out for my daily run but to add an extra mile and push myself harder. I love how I feel when I'm done... the satisfaction of accomplishment and and every good thing I just did to add years to my life. The physical benefit spills over with endless reward. There is good result!
Why can't I take this passion I have in the physical realm of my life and begin to apply it to my relational life and maybe other areas too? Why does it seem harder for me in other areas? I can perservere physically most of the time no problem. I want to use this same principle with my relationships and see what happens. If my attitude stinks toward my family or friends because a relationship is strained or doesn't feel so good I can choose to change my thinking about it and do the good thing anyway, BELIEVING it makes a difference and will bring a healing effect OR I can sulk and dwell on negative patterns of thinking, do nothing and suffer further strain and harm in the realtionship.
(I realize this might be a no-brainer for you because it is something I too have know for years but it was especially eye-opening for me the other day).
My thought process continued... I must believe that the good and right choices I make especially in my relationships, even when I don't feel like it... no, ESPECIALLY when I don't feel like it... are accomplishing GREAT GOOD deep in the fibers of those relationships. It might not always feel good and I might not always see everything good that is happening but I MUST BE, AND CAN BE SURE that the good thing IS happening and accomplishing a beautiful healing effect. If consistent... the same way consistent exercise produces good health physically so consistent right choices and right thinking about those choices in realtionships will produce vibrant relational health, joy and life that is truly life.
Gods ways are the best ways. Sometimes if I'm honest I don't want to do things God's way, especially if I'm hurt or angry. When we slip and fall into our own ways (and isn't it interesting that we sometimes don't even see it coming) God can use those hard things to bring deeper meaning to life. As a wise person said to me... "He can redeem everything and use it for his purpose in greater ways if we let him... if we ASK him to". What hard things are you experiencing today? I hope you will turn it around and ask God what hidden gem is there.
I choose to believe the best today regardless of what hard thing is going on! One day at a time believing that the good choices I make for life are accomplishing MUCH for me and everyone around me! The key for me is BELIEVING!!! The following verse is not a favorite for me but if God gave it and He is good, I choose to rest in it. Let it roll around in your brain a while... I love the way it depicts that work is going on deep inside that we can't entirely see this side of heaven.
James 1:2-4 Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.
Considering trouble a blessing... because it is!
Love and hugs!
Monday, February 1, 2010
A Breath of Fresh Air...
If you are healthy enough to exercise you are blessed indeed! Keeping mindful of that alone is enough motiviation for me. Phil 4:8 says... Think about things that are excellent! Your mind drives everything about you. Are you beginning to settle back into a lie that exercise is a drag? If so, crucify that thought and replace it with this one instead...
Get out there today and take it a notch above what you are currently doing. Push yourself just a little harder. Think about what it will take for you to get motivated and then give yourself that gift... It might be joining a club, or purchasing a new pair of running shoes, or finding some friends who you can set a goal with together. I plan to run a race in July this year for my 25 year high school reunion. I am so thrilled the committee decided to include a race as part of the reunion activities because it's motivating me to stay on it. Find out what it is for you and keep on it.
Think... healthy, youthful, attractive and ALIVE! Be free from the effects of life stress... which feel unhealthy, tense, hagard and depleated. Without giving yourself permission to have an outlet for stress through exercise and right thinking the harmful build up of stress will prematurely kill you. Exercise instead diffuses the effects of stress and gives a burst of life giving energy. Everything you do for yourself physically will overflow into every other area of life... you will notice a sharper focus mentally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. That energy, those free flowing endorphins released by physical endurance were meant to be enjoyed by everyone God created. It's part of his design to charge you up for life!
Feeling better about exercise yet? I hope so! Renew your commitment to get up and do it for 2010... remember it always starts in the mind... so keep far away the lies that defeat our accomplishing victory and instead work hard and enjoy the beautiful effects inside and out.
Write down and hang up one of these quotes somewhere to keep you going...
"The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret." ~Sarah Bombell
"Do it now. You become successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal." ~Unknown
"Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn." ~John Wesley
Stay on it!
Loving always!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Live a Life of Love and Know Love!
The tattoo was a fun yet painful experience, but more importantly now is the meaning behind the "mark". I'm surprised how much mine means to me... it depicts the image of a dove with a glowing halo behind it and 1John 4:18-19 etched above. The dove and halo symbolize "freedom and light" while the verse reminds me that perfect love expels all fear!
My Perfect Love challenged me deeper last week. No... I mean really deep! I ventured out with a new prayer in my heart... "That I live a life of love and that I know love!" Simple, but not really! That's the way it always is with God I think... most of what he requires seems simple but it runs so much deeper than we know.
My plan is to show up every day just to be the object of his love believing life begins and ends here, and like a peaceful flowing river, allow His presence and truth to calmly wash me over. So, here is part of what God planted in and brought up out of my heart last week...
The furious love of God knows no shadow of alteration or change. It is reliable and always tender. His love is never based on performance, never conditioned by our moods of elation or depression. There is the "me" that people see-- then there is the "rest of me." When I can stand with the reality of the "rest of me" and not feel shame then I know better the love of God. "My name is Donna Wagner and I am ________... ouch.... How I got there, how I left there, and how I returned is part of the story of my life... BUT IT IS NOT THE WHOLE STORY!
(the above thoughts come from a great book called "The Furious Longing of God"... by Brennan Manning... pick up a copy, please!).
The reality is we all have "ouch" but none of the "ouch" has defining power. Do you believe that? Wow! I struggle with it... my list of "ouch" is long and well... "ouch". If we believe... really believe that the "ouch" has no defining power we are FREE from fear to be real with each other and less shocked and judgmental of each others "ouch" and can compassionately love and help to heal each other the way God does. I think that's what God had in mind... isn't that why he says DO NOT JUDGE! Because we are all in the same boat... duh! (I say that to myself there). It makes his grace truly amazing doesn't it? Maintaining this perspective prevents us from being fake and from trying to impress each other with our "togetherness".
I came to the conclusion since GOD loves me that's all I need and He frees me to be REAL. I recall times people have been real with me and how refreshing to my soul those times have been. So much more than when people try to impress. Don't you think? People who know they are REALLY LOVED just the way they are can be real and really love. Be warned though... knowing you are the object of his love WILL change you... it has to, it can't and won't leave you the same. That's real life; that's real adventure.
I am convinced if I make love my goal I cannot go wrong. It runs deep and is a dangerous prayer really. I know that... but the healing light runs even deeper and will have a ripple effect that I dare not miss.
1John 4:18-19
Such love has no fear because PERFECT LOVE expels all fear. If we are afraid it is for fear of judgment, and this shows that His love has not been perfected in us. We love each other as a result of His loving us first.
Hoping His love will be perfected in YOU!
Donna :O)
I'll try to get a photo up of my "oh so wonderful tattoo"... :O)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Ok... So the drama of my life continues...
Great waves of regret knock me down and threaten to drown me. I confess, I made this decision during high emotional turmoil... not wise. Not sure why I was deaf to the wisdom tucked in my heart that says, "sit still when emotion runs high... no sudden turns when the hurt runs deep." No, I just charged ahead and made a wrong turn...bummer. But, what's done is done. God still sits sovereign on the throne of my life. He will work this out for good. There's work to be done in my life and he is doing it ruthlessly--ouch!
The wise person in my shoes would probably have a grand perspective in this same situation. The wise person might say..."Hey, wow... maybe God is trying to do a new thing! How exciting!" All I can honestly say right now is... "This sucks! I hurt! Why did this have to happen? What have I done? I'm soooo dumb! Ugh!!!"
One of our pastors gave an excellent and timely sermon on grieving last week. Grieving the loss of a job was one example he used. I especially resonated with a practice he shared from ancient Jewish customs which allows a mourner to do nothing for 7 days but sit alone and cry. The Jewish people of that day understood the need to process loss. Anyone who wanted to comfort the mourner was not allowed to say anything but only come along side and cry too.
I know that sounds extreme in my case, but something about simply crying, accepting the reality that it IS a loss, not just something I must accept and get over, but allowing myself to experience release through tears and letting go can bring freedom. It's as if God were giving me permission to create space and time to do nothing else but grieve my loss and that he would be right there crying along with me... not to give me advice or to remind me to have faith, but just to gently understand that loss hurts. I love Him!
So whenever I feel I need to, I sit and cry and will continue until my heart grows stronger. God is good! And when I'm ready, I will go back to work... Yay.
Next week Rick and I are off to Colorado for some much needed retreat and refreshment. So you may or may not hear from me next week. Have a great week!
Love much!!!