Sitting in my safe place, I find myself reflecting as I look out the window watching my dog frolick in the new fallen snow. Being a puppy he has never experienced snow before, so I feel joy watching him discover this strange, cold, white stuff. The snow is so deep he must jump up to run through it. With snow covering his snout, he looks back at me like a child hoping to be noticed. My daughter realizes he is outside and finds the same joy as she takes notice of him. She giggles, we make eye contact, smile, and then she takes it a step further. She finds her boots and coat and joins him in the fun. I laugh to myself, sip my tea and enjoy watching them experience such freedom and simplicity... longing sets in deep somewhere in my heart and I reflect deeper.
In my last post, I thought on the heart's tendency to be deceitful and cause pain, but the heart is also a bold place of deep longings and dreams. God-given dreams that he wants to unfold and see emerge for His glory and our good. Sometimes moments like the above can awaken our senses and remind us that we have dreams and longings that have been ignored over the years. Would dreams spring to life if simplicity and freedom marked our lives? Busyness demands every ounce of energy we have and steals away precious time. Once time is gone, it's gone! The reality of how swift time slips away has been scaring me lately.
I ask myself... is the busyness worth it? What am I doing to fill my time? What is stealing my time? I am ready as 2010 approaches. I have already set things up to create new space and time for cultivating deep God-given longings and dreams. I plan to keep writing. Writing is a dream I have had for years and never stopped long enough to consider taking it seriously. I am starting there. I have other dreams too. Photography and painting are two more. Learning ballet, and yet another silly one... getting a tattoo. :O) What about you? Are you looking inside? Are you listening to the deep longings and dreams that God has placed there? They are there for a reason. God has work he wants to do through you and your giftedness. Take time to look at your life and don't let busyness steal it anymore.
OK.... I have been on deep topics lately... I am in deep places. Next post I'll be getting back to fitness! Just a side note... Today I did one of the most challenging work-outs I have ever done... (nothing like a good challenge to tackle stress). If you get a chance go out and get the DVD "Biggest Loser Workout...Cardio Max". No joke, it's tough stuff... you WILL lose weight if you stick with this! My legs are spaghetti today. I LOVE IT!
Until next time...keep dreaming and believing!
Monday, December 28, 2009
New Beginnings
Ready or not, a new year is here. 2010 shouts of excitement, new beginnings, discovery and hope for change while 2009 tucks itself away like a beautifully crafted memory book in the deep places of our hearts... there to stay ...forever. I love this time of year. It creates an urgency to re-examine the lives we live. To celebrate the good and rethink the not so good. To look back and to look ahead. To see where we came from, where are headed and adjust our course. You might call it making New Year's Resolutions. I prefer to call it change and growth... what naturally happens when you've lived 42 years and realize half your life is over. (ouch!... sorry anyone 42 and up).
At 42, we're now standing on top of the hill looking down over the other side. Getting to the top of the hill might tempt us to believe our best years are gone, but just because we are half way there certainly doesn't mean it's over for us. Sliding down the other side of the hill may be even more fun than the climb up. You might not struggle with thoughts like this, but I need to confess... I find myself stressing about getting older more often now than ever. Seriously, wondering if I have even hit the beginnings of a mid-life crisis. I am mad at myself when I think it's too late to explore new interests or when I believe getting older holds nothing worthwhile. As I charge straight ahead into 2010 I determine to banish this wrong picture. I determine instead to see with new eyes that the last half of life can be even better than the first. Age alone never makes life bad.
Like anything worth having however, the second half of life promises great returns only through hard work. There are tides in our lives. When we are young the tide is always behind us pushing us ahead no matter what we do or do not do. As we age the tide slowly turns until it is against us. No more free ride. That's what's so scary about aging, however, if we are willing to press into the tide and use it to become stronger we can live the last half of life with energy and vitality. We don't have to let nature run its course. We can do something about it. The great news is that the tide is not that strong unless we sit back and let it have it's way with us.
The key to pushing against the tide is understanding the nature of growth and decay. Everything in our world degenerates without care and attention. It is the same with our physical bodies. With hard work they grow to become stronger or if left sedentary and uncared for will decay and become weaker. Our bodies look to us to choose between them. Our choice to not exercise and to eat garbage without thinking creates decay and weakness. Exercise on the other hand, is the master signaler in the body to set off cycles of strengthening and repair.
Where to start? We are all at different fitness levels so our starting places will be different. The place to start is a notch beyond your current activity level. If you don't exercise at all, start moving. Take a walk to get your body used to movement again. If you run 3 miles regularly, pick it up and run 3 and 1/2 miles, or try to pick up your pace for one of the three miles. Prevent a plateau effect by challenging your body to the next level by trying something new. If you are used to a treadmill, try using a different cardio machine. In fact, I heard once its best to divide a workout into thirds. For example, use the treadmill for a third of the time, a stationary bike for a third and an eliptical machine to finish. In other words, change it up, challenge your muscles to move in a new way. Don't keep doing the same thing. A well-rounded weekly routine should also include not only cardio, but strength training and flexibility training too.
Your week might look like this...
Monday-- Strength train (an hour of using weights to tone muscles... get a "how to" dvd, they are very helpful if you don't know what you are doing).
Tuesday-- Cardio at least 30 minutes (swim, run, walk, treadmill, zumba :O), step... whatever you enjoy... just get the heart and lungs feeling it).
Wednesday-- Strength train and pilates or yoga. (again dvd's are a goldmine for info and how tos).
Thursday-- Cardio
Friday-- Strength and pilates or yoga.
Saturday-- yes saturday! Choose whatever you feel like doing.
Sunday-- Ok... you can rest.
I must mention again a great dvd I recently have been challenged by ..."The Biggest Loser Workout... Cardio Max". It combines strength training and cardio and is one tough workout. I love it. You might try it and tell me what you think.
Also check out your local newspaper! Mine had information about many new fitness classes starting up for the new year.
Lastly, I mentioned a great book I am reading called "Younger Next Year" in previous posts. There is a wealth of information about how to go about pushing against the tide in the second half of life. It is not by a Christian author but I believe what he has to say about the science of our aging bodies is insightful. Pick up a copy to renew your motivation and determination.
We have lived some great years but I believe the best is still ahead! It's our choice. Make it happen.
At 42, we're now standing on top of the hill looking down over the other side. Getting to the top of the hill might tempt us to believe our best years are gone, but just because we are half way there certainly doesn't mean it's over for us. Sliding down the other side of the hill may be even more fun than the climb up. You might not struggle with thoughts like this, but I need to confess... I find myself stressing about getting older more often now than ever. Seriously, wondering if I have even hit the beginnings of a mid-life crisis. I am mad at myself when I think it's too late to explore new interests or when I believe getting older holds nothing worthwhile. As I charge straight ahead into 2010 I determine to banish this wrong picture. I determine instead to see with new eyes that the last half of life can be even better than the first. Age alone never makes life bad.
Like anything worth having however, the second half of life promises great returns only through hard work. There are tides in our lives. When we are young the tide is always behind us pushing us ahead no matter what we do or do not do. As we age the tide slowly turns until it is against us. No more free ride. That's what's so scary about aging, however, if we are willing to press into the tide and use it to become stronger we can live the last half of life with energy and vitality. We don't have to let nature run its course. We can do something about it. The great news is that the tide is not that strong unless we sit back and let it have it's way with us.
The key to pushing against the tide is understanding the nature of growth and decay. Everything in our world degenerates without care and attention. It is the same with our physical bodies. With hard work they grow to become stronger or if left sedentary and uncared for will decay and become weaker. Our bodies look to us to choose between them. Our choice to not exercise and to eat garbage without thinking creates decay and weakness. Exercise on the other hand, is the master signaler in the body to set off cycles of strengthening and repair.
Where to start? We are all at different fitness levels so our starting places will be different. The place to start is a notch beyond your current activity level. If you don't exercise at all, start moving. Take a walk to get your body used to movement again. If you run 3 miles regularly, pick it up and run 3 and 1/2 miles, or try to pick up your pace for one of the three miles. Prevent a plateau effect by challenging your body to the next level by trying something new. If you are used to a treadmill, try using a different cardio machine. In fact, I heard once its best to divide a workout into thirds. For example, use the treadmill for a third of the time, a stationary bike for a third and an eliptical machine to finish. In other words, change it up, challenge your muscles to move in a new way. Don't keep doing the same thing. A well-rounded weekly routine should also include not only cardio, but strength training and flexibility training too.
Your week might look like this...
Monday-- Strength train (an hour of using weights to tone muscles... get a "how to" dvd, they are very helpful if you don't know what you are doing).
Tuesday-- Cardio at least 30 minutes (swim, run, walk, treadmill, zumba :O), step... whatever you enjoy... just get the heart and lungs feeling it).
Wednesday-- Strength train and pilates or yoga. (again dvd's are a goldmine for info and how tos).
Thursday-- Cardio
Friday-- Strength and pilates or yoga.
Saturday-- yes saturday! Choose whatever you feel like doing.
Sunday-- Ok... you can rest.
I must mention again a great dvd I recently have been challenged by ..."The Biggest Loser Workout... Cardio Max". It combines strength training and cardio and is one tough workout. I love it. You might try it and tell me what you think.
Also check out your local newspaper! Mine had information about many new fitness classes starting up for the new year.
Lastly, I mentioned a great book I am reading called "Younger Next Year" in previous posts. There is a wealth of information about how to go about pushing against the tide in the second half of life. It is not by a Christian author but I believe what he has to say about the science of our aging bodies is insightful. Pick up a copy to renew your motivation and determination.
We have lived some great years but I believe the best is still ahead! It's our choice. Make it happen.
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Matter of the Heart
Driving in the dark, down an empty highway after midnight the powerful reality of what I had done cut deep in my heart. The tears welled up and blurred my vision. My gut was tied up in a hundred knots as I began to think through the consequences of my choices. My mind began to race as I tried hard to trace back to the point when my choices veered off onto the slippery slope. "HOW DID I GET HERE?"
Then just as quickly as I asked the question out loud, truth spoke almost as if I heard an audible voice.
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure... who can understand it?"
Surprisingly, a sense of judgment and condemnation did not come over me, but instead a sense of compassion and intense longing and love as if God was gently revealing not only this amazing truth, but also of his ability to be in control. Driving along the empty highway was just where he wanted me to be at this exact moment in time. A gentle reminder overcame me as I realized the state of my heart. Your heart will deceive you every time if you let it, my love. I long to be the keeper of your heart. Give it back to me once again. It constantly must be bathed in grace and truth. Follow hard after me. You won't be disappointed. No matter how mature you think you might be in your faith, or how badly your mistake, do well to remember the heart is beyond cure... beyond understanding. Keep it with me. Understand my unmerited grace and the agony of the cross my Son gladly bore for you. Just put "that" right there.
As I let "that" go a deep movement of His grace poured out and I felt His jealous love for me fill in the empty places. This is real freedom. He is all I need. I must get up, learn from this and keep looking up when looking in takes me places I should not go.
Romans 8:1
There is therefore, now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Lamentations 3:22
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy... I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anythng else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Then just as quickly as I asked the question out loud, truth spoke almost as if I heard an audible voice.
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure... who can understand it?"
Surprisingly, a sense of judgment and condemnation did not come over me, but instead a sense of compassion and intense longing and love as if God was gently revealing not only this amazing truth, but also of his ability to be in control. Driving along the empty highway was just where he wanted me to be at this exact moment in time. A gentle reminder overcame me as I realized the state of my heart. Your heart will deceive you every time if you let it, my love. I long to be the keeper of your heart. Give it back to me once again. It constantly must be bathed in grace and truth. Follow hard after me. You won't be disappointed. No matter how mature you think you might be in your faith, or how badly your mistake, do well to remember the heart is beyond cure... beyond understanding. Keep it with me. Understand my unmerited grace and the agony of the cross my Son gladly bore for you. Just put "that" right there.
As I let "that" go a deep movement of His grace poured out and I felt His jealous love for me fill in the empty places. This is real freedom. He is all I need. I must get up, learn from this and keep looking up when looking in takes me places I should not go.
Romans 8:1
There is therefore, now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Lamentations 3:22
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy... I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anythng else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Success Stories
I love fitness success stories...
Here's one of a 42 year old home school mom who left a job as a nurse 15 years earlier to be home with her kids. She loved to teach and plan meaningful activities for her three growing children. She poured her life into developing her children and thrilled herself in the process of influencing them for good. In her down time she read and prepared and cleaned and did and did for her family. Although she loved her busy life serving her family, she began to notice how sedentary her lifestyle was becoming and how truly neglectful she was becoming of her own wellness. She used to be active, in great shape with boundless energy and missed the sense of strength and well-being she had had from earlier days. How long ago that all seemed. Troubling thoughts about the swiftness of time came in like a flood and jolted her into action. The last 15 years were a blur. Where would she be in the NEXT 15 years? The picture she imagined in her mind was not pleasant. A new urgency for change pressed in and did not let up.
Almost immediately, she started walking. She even found a new desire to get off to the gym early enough to lift a few weights before the day's agenda had a chance to demand her full attention. The more consistent she was the more her body craved and then demanded what it desperately needed. She hated missing. Without dieting or going into any specific program she began to see the pounds melt away. Her husband began to notice and admired what he saw. He complimented her and praised her for her new determination. Friends too began to notice and wondered if they should join her in her new found discipline. Eventually she made it down to the same weight she had before kids and was now working out up to 5-6 days a week. Her new routine included good heart-pumping cardio exercise everyday, muscle building, metabolisim increasing strength-training 3 times a week, and relaxing, rejuvinating yoga/pilates 2 times a week for at least one hour a day. She woke one day to find herself in her forties, looking and and feeling better than she ever had. She loved her life, and even more now that she had given herself permission to pursue this new energy-giving balance. A balance she determined she would not just begin with, but continue with for the rest of her life.
Her secret for this new determination from the beginning was to begin her new exercise routine (starting slow at first) with a new self-image. Picturing who she could be from earlier days and keeping that picture in mind until she accomplished the goal. She also filled her mind with truth about herself. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My body was made to function best through movement. I can celebrate who I am and glorify God through being thankful for how strong my body is capable of being. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! God made me and loves me. I can give more to my family and friends when I am strong energetic and healthy. Exercising is part of my God-given duty to be a good steward of who I am."
You might like to try this too. Draw a picture of you swiftly running with no extra weight dragging you down. You are not huffing and puffing but rather breathing strong and steady taking in the refreshing breeze through your hair and the healing rays of the sun on your face. The adreneline and endorphins awaken a new energy deep inside and even though you are on your last mile you feel you could keep going. Or maybe for you it's going to be walking down your neighborhood trail and because of consistent strength training, you notice longer, leaner muscles as you pass by an unexpected reflection of yourself. Not that our physical appearance is all we think about, but a more beautiful you will emerge when you are healthier, more alive, and energetic and it's OK to enjoy that too.
What's your fitness success story? What better time to start picturing it than today. Rely on God who designed your body with a capability to replace what once was weak and troubling with strength, energy and new life.
Make it Happen!
Here's one of a 42 year old home school mom who left a job as a nurse 15 years earlier to be home with her kids. She loved to teach and plan meaningful activities for her three growing children. She poured her life into developing her children and thrilled herself in the process of influencing them for good. In her down time she read and prepared and cleaned and did and did for her family. Although she loved her busy life serving her family, she began to notice how sedentary her lifestyle was becoming and how truly neglectful she was becoming of her own wellness. She used to be active, in great shape with boundless energy and missed the sense of strength and well-being she had had from earlier days. How long ago that all seemed. Troubling thoughts about the swiftness of time came in like a flood and jolted her into action. The last 15 years were a blur. Where would she be in the NEXT 15 years? The picture she imagined in her mind was not pleasant. A new urgency for change pressed in and did not let up.
Almost immediately, she started walking. She even found a new desire to get off to the gym early enough to lift a few weights before the day's agenda had a chance to demand her full attention. The more consistent she was the more her body craved and then demanded what it desperately needed. She hated missing. Without dieting or going into any specific program she began to see the pounds melt away. Her husband began to notice and admired what he saw. He complimented her and praised her for her new determination. Friends too began to notice and wondered if they should join her in her new found discipline. Eventually she made it down to the same weight she had before kids and was now working out up to 5-6 days a week. Her new routine included good heart-pumping cardio exercise everyday, muscle building, metabolisim increasing strength-training 3 times a week, and relaxing, rejuvinating yoga/pilates 2 times a week for at least one hour a day. She woke one day to find herself in her forties, looking and and feeling better than she ever had. She loved her life, and even more now that she had given herself permission to pursue this new energy-giving balance. A balance she determined she would not just begin with, but continue with for the rest of her life.
Her secret for this new determination from the beginning was to begin her new exercise routine (starting slow at first) with a new self-image. Picturing who she could be from earlier days and keeping that picture in mind until she accomplished the goal. She also filled her mind with truth about herself. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My body was made to function best through movement. I can celebrate who I am and glorify God through being thankful for how strong my body is capable of being. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! God made me and loves me. I can give more to my family and friends when I am strong energetic and healthy. Exercising is part of my God-given duty to be a good steward of who I am."
You might like to try this too. Draw a picture of you swiftly running with no extra weight dragging you down. You are not huffing and puffing but rather breathing strong and steady taking in the refreshing breeze through your hair and the healing rays of the sun on your face. The adreneline and endorphins awaken a new energy deep inside and even though you are on your last mile you feel you could keep going. Or maybe for you it's going to be walking down your neighborhood trail and because of consistent strength training, you notice longer, leaner muscles as you pass by an unexpected reflection of yourself. Not that our physical appearance is all we think about, but a more beautiful you will emerge when you are healthier, more alive, and energetic and it's OK to enjoy that too.
What's your fitness success story? What better time to start picturing it than today. Rely on God who designed your body with a capability to replace what once was weak and troubling with strength, energy and new life.
Make it Happen!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Limbic Dance
This time of year always tries to press me into the mold of a harried, stressed out woman who strives for the perfect Christmas celebration for my family. I say "tries" because I am often surprised that, though I do feel stress, I don't seem to mind it as much as I do at other "ordinary" times of the year.
I wonder if it could be that the stress I experience preparing for Christmas is simply more "worth it" because I am anticipating something meaningful to come. Something I long for and need more than I realize and can't always quickly put my finger on. The meaningful something, I finally realize when I ponder long enough, is connection. Connection on a deeper level. Not only my own need for connection, but my desire and ability to create meaningful connections for my family and friends. And ultimately experiencing a deeper connection with God. God, who set things up when he prepared for thousands of years and then ushered in the very first Christmas miracle. He did it all in anticipation of connecting deeply with me and you.
Connecting is the beautiful dance of life... it's what we all long for. Christmas preparation sets the stage for meaningful, memorable connections to happen on Christmas Day. But what about the rest of the year? Do I slow down enough to really connect with others and with God? All of life is meant for making meaningful connections... not just at Christmas.
Meaningful connections are not only important but are extremely vital if we want to thrive, especially in the latter years of life. When our lives are nothing but running and striving we miss out. We reach a healthier balance when we slow down and experience emotions of love, joy, pleasure and play. When we connect with each other.
Reading up in my latest choice health and wellness book..."Younger Next Year"... I was intrigued with the following thoughts about connecting...
Did you know the brain has a magical place where the "connecting emotions" play out. This magical place is called the limbic brain. The limbic brain reads the real world and makes emotions out of it. Little happens in our limbic brain when we look at trees or rocks, but when we look at people, people's faces in particular, something explosive happens in the brain. When we look at people we look with a hungry intensity for connection. Functional MRI scanning shows massive sections of the brain waking up to process the information when we are looking at someones face. The limbic brain is devoted to absorbing and interpreting every nuance of facial expression. When a listener leans in to take interest in what we are saying, when we feel a soft touch of understanding or a smile of acceptance and pleasure, this tuning in emotionally creates a great circle of chemistry and a beautiful limbic dance happens either between two people or between a group of people. It is an extraordinary process and happens every second we spend with people. When we tune into each other we effect each other's moods. We have the power to change each other's moods and the experience feels good... or at least it should. We cannot do without the limbic dance of life.
For so many of us the limbic dance becomes optional or just simply too much work. I admit, sometimes it feels really good, other times it just seems awkward and unpleasant. Regardless of negative experiences I am convinced giving up is not a healthy option. I think so often people just don't know what to do to build meaningful relationships. Do we try to make it too complicated? When I ask myself what I need from friends/family the answer is simple... to be listened to and cared about. If that's what I need then I can also give that out. I don't have to have long complicated answers to people's issues, just a few engaging questions, a shoulder to lean on, ears to hear and a heart that genuinely cares.
I'm convinced being healthy means realizing relationships matter and need to be cultivated. I feel a new urgency to exercise not only my physical muscles this year but now too my limbic muscles for deeper stronger connections. It's a must for survival and delivers fantastic pay off if I don't give up. I look forward to finding new ways ways to givie myself and others the gift of a limbic dance not only at Christmas but all year long.
Let's connect, commit and be young!
I wonder if it could be that the stress I experience preparing for Christmas is simply more "worth it" because I am anticipating something meaningful to come. Something I long for and need more than I realize and can't always quickly put my finger on. The meaningful something, I finally realize when I ponder long enough, is connection. Connection on a deeper level. Not only my own need for connection, but my desire and ability to create meaningful connections for my family and friends. And ultimately experiencing a deeper connection with God. God, who set things up when he prepared for thousands of years and then ushered in the very first Christmas miracle. He did it all in anticipation of connecting deeply with me and you.
Connecting is the beautiful dance of life... it's what we all long for. Christmas preparation sets the stage for meaningful, memorable connections to happen on Christmas Day. But what about the rest of the year? Do I slow down enough to really connect with others and with God? All of life is meant for making meaningful connections... not just at Christmas.
Meaningful connections are not only important but are extremely vital if we want to thrive, especially in the latter years of life. When our lives are nothing but running and striving we miss out. We reach a healthier balance when we slow down and experience emotions of love, joy, pleasure and play. When we connect with each other.
Reading up in my latest choice health and wellness book..."Younger Next Year"... I was intrigued with the following thoughts about connecting...
Did you know the brain has a magical place where the "connecting emotions" play out. This magical place is called the limbic brain. The limbic brain reads the real world and makes emotions out of it. Little happens in our limbic brain when we look at trees or rocks, but when we look at people, people's faces in particular, something explosive happens in the brain. When we look at people we look with a hungry intensity for connection. Functional MRI scanning shows massive sections of the brain waking up to process the information when we are looking at someones face. The limbic brain is devoted to absorbing and interpreting every nuance of facial expression. When a listener leans in to take interest in what we are saying, when we feel a soft touch of understanding or a smile of acceptance and pleasure, this tuning in emotionally creates a great circle of chemistry and a beautiful limbic dance happens either between two people or between a group of people. It is an extraordinary process and happens every second we spend with people. When we tune into each other we effect each other's moods. We have the power to change each other's moods and the experience feels good... or at least it should. We cannot do without the limbic dance of life.
For so many of us the limbic dance becomes optional or just simply too much work. I admit, sometimes it feels really good, other times it just seems awkward and unpleasant. Regardless of negative experiences I am convinced giving up is not a healthy option. I think so often people just don't know what to do to build meaningful relationships. Do we try to make it too complicated? When I ask myself what I need from friends/family the answer is simple... to be listened to and cared about. If that's what I need then I can also give that out. I don't have to have long complicated answers to people's issues, just a few engaging questions, a shoulder to lean on, ears to hear and a heart that genuinely cares.
I'm convinced being healthy means realizing relationships matter and need to be cultivated. I feel a new urgency to exercise not only my physical muscles this year but now too my limbic muscles for deeper stronger connections. It's a must for survival and delivers fantastic pay off if I don't give up. I look forward to finding new ways ways to givie myself and others the gift of a limbic dance not only at Christmas but all year long.
Let's connect, commit and be young!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Divine Inerruptions
She woke up to find that 3 of her 6 family members were down and out. The sound of massive sneezing and sighs of misery first came from the person next to her. Her husband. "Oh no, please.. anybody but him," she thought. Next, as she walked into each bedroom she found her 13 year old son was next to show signs. He looked pale for a usually darker olive skinned toned boy. He had watery eyes and said his neck felt achy. Her 15 year old son passed with flying colors! He was up and ready to tackle the day. "Thank goodness he's ok," she thought to herself. She also breathed a sigh of relief to find daughter number 2 bright-eyed and happy to see the day. Daughter number 1 however seemed the worst of all. She immediately felt compassion and even worried about daughter number 1. She was hot to the touch, pale, dry lipped and stuffed up like her face was on the verge of exploding. Daughter 1 tried to speak but it came out sounding like a snooty operator. Poor thing. A call to the doctor would have to be next. And yes, it would interrupt her previously planned agenda for the day. She felt compassion for her family but also noticed there was a little selfish disappointment in her heart at the same time.
It had been several weeks of this same interruption which put the list of things she really wanted to do on hold. She stopped long enough to lift her heart up to God and listen to what he might like to say about her present state of heart. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation... she said inside... "Interruptions are not by chance. Interruptions are divine opportunities to come forth as gold! What will I do? Continue in my bad attitude and gripe, complain and rot inside as I try to serve my family with a fake smile, or with God's help genuinely rid myself of this selfish disgust, be thankful I have a family and serve with a heart that is moldable in the hands of God?" I have to care for them either way. I would be stupid not to see this as a chance to live and grow and continue to crucify the sinful nature."
"Why do I struggle with this at all God? If anyone looked inside my heart how dark it would seem. Thank you there is you!!! On days like today, THANK YOU THERE IS YOU!"
It had been several weeks of this same interruption which put the list of things she really wanted to do on hold. She stopped long enough to lift her heart up to God and listen to what he might like to say about her present state of heart. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation... she said inside... "Interruptions are not by chance. Interruptions are divine opportunities to come forth as gold! What will I do? Continue in my bad attitude and gripe, complain and rot inside as I try to serve my family with a fake smile, or with God's help genuinely rid myself of this selfish disgust, be thankful I have a family and serve with a heart that is moldable in the hands of God?" I have to care for them either way. I would be stupid not to see this as a chance to live and grow and continue to crucify the sinful nature."
"Why do I struggle with this at all God? If anyone looked inside my heart how dark it would seem. Thank you there is you!!! On days like today, THANK YOU THERE IS YOU!"
Monday, November 23, 2009
Bringing a Little Heaven to Earth
My heart is full as I reflect on my travels to China earlier this month. How do I share such an experience? Where do I start? Such a trip brought me to places of deeper wonder and appreciation for the level of diversity in the world. It also brought me to places of frustration and realization of my total selfishness and longing for what was familiar. It brought me to think on the heart of God and how much I saw Him in my dear friends who serve there so faithfully year after year. They persevere to embrace the culture and language of a very DIFFERENT people group. I admire their slow and steady efforts to genuinely love and offer friendship to the specific people God brings their way. They know what it means when God says that LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR LIFE.
Would you join me as I journey back on all I saw, heard, smelled and tasted during my trip? Coming straight from my heart felt journal entries...
Rick asked me this morning what the most surprising part about being in China has been. I thought, and the first thing that came to mind was I am surprised by how big China is and so modern. Not sure what I was expecting, but the cities we have been in are huge! During interaction over an interesting boiling "hot pot" meal where you dip various kinds of meat and vegetables into boiling water in the center of the table and then attempt to lift them all out with chopsticks...yeah right... a Chinese friend of Les and Karla (named Rick also) informed us that the city we were in has grown over the last 20 years from 40,000 to 8 million people! There are people everywhere. You should see the streets! It's instant stress and tension that you can feel rising up in your neck and shoulders and gives you an instant headache. Cars, bikes, taxis, buses, rickshaws, scooters, and even people walking all over the very busy roads like it was nothing at all. Everyone is pushing their way ahead (no defensive driving lessons in China) and if you get in someone's way they will honk loud and long to let you know. When we crossed the street I found it best to hold Karla's arm and just close my eyes and blindly walk and pray until we made it safely across to the other side. Same was true for Taxi rides. It was best to close my eyes and try to relax. Les called the front seat passengers side the "Hello Jesus seat" because there are so many near misses to that corner of the car. Such a different way of life in something as simple as the way people drive. Whew!
Not only do I see crowds surrounding me, but it is a crowd that continually tends to stare at me. It's very uncomfortable really. Sometimes I am tempted to make a funny face when they keep staring. :O) Karla says on an especially difficult day, she sometimes will do something super silly to really give them something to look at. She says it keeps her sane. I love that!
Did you know that in China the government purposely does something called "seeding" the clouds? It somehow causes them to condense and precipitate faster. It helps clean the smoggy air. Well it has certainly been raining AND SNOWING! Bummer. Karla says it must be part of God's plan to help us really get a taste of their lives there when they go for painfully long stretches of time with clouds. You have to understand when it's cloudy in China... IT'S CLOUDY!!!! Because of the smog it is often foggy and darker than usual, like one of those mysterious foggy looking dreams you walk through as you sleep soundly. I feel heavy walking through it some days and have to fight feeling depressed even.
I have also experienced a damp, cold and chilled to the bone sensation most of the time. The government does not turn on the heat in the city until November 15th. Les and Karla's apartment has heaters in each room so we are nice and toasty every night, but during the day going from place to place is another story. Many of the shopping places we have visited are outdoors with just plastic tarps for coverings. Rick did not pack for cold to the bone weather so we shopped one day for a coat. Entering shops is a whole experience in itself. The shop owners surround you pointing to various items and pushing a sale to the point of practically giving it to you for free. Rick's coat which would have cost $125.00 in the States, he paid $25.00 for in the China shops. :O) I LIKE THAT!!!!
Speaking of good deals!!!! Karla graciously brought me to visit her Chiropractor. I wasn't sure what to expect but left amazed at the excellent quality 45 minute back massage and adjustment I received all for $5.00. :O) I left feeling like I wanted to turn right around and do it again. A haircut includes a 30 minute head/shoulder and arm massage and costs... get this... $3.00! Why isn't that kind of great service for reasonable prices part of our culture? Oh, how I wish it was so! Oh, and eating out is the preferred way to go in China... shopping at the market and cooking at home costs more money and time than eating out. And the food choices are very healthy. Those are things I could get used to very easily!!! Oh the yogurt... I know, random, but I had to mention it.
I can't help but also notice the women of China. They are just beautiful to look at. It is interesting to me to see modern hairstyles on most of them as well. I always envision their hair being too straight to be styled into anything much. Oh no... long beautiful, wavy styled hair. They all wear high heel boots and look so elegant to me. So dignified and serious... and beautiful!
Our first night in Beijing we stayed in a Youth Hostel. My first thought... "OK... This is different." I walked into a cool, dimly lit lobby area which was small, cramped and cozy with lots of character. Two small picnic tables to the left. Couches with floral prints and big soft pillows faced each other with a table in between. Wooden floors and walls. A low ceiling with plants hanging overhead to add to the homeyness of the place. We walked through a small doorway out into the center patio/garden area. More picnic tables, hanging plants and candles. The ground was made of uneven brick type material. Another door took us down a long, narrow, dimly lit hallway into our rooms. The rooms were surprisingly different than the first impression of the place. More modern looking space just big enough to fit the simple low to the ground beds. A toilet right off to the left of the bed and a shower to the right. It was all part of the experience of being in China. Why stay at Holiday Inn when you can experience a Youth Hostel? I'm glad we did.
I know this is getting really long... anyone still reading???? Anyone???
We traveled from Beijing to Xian via train. We took the 10 hour overnight ride. "Hmmmm" I thought as we boarded and wondered how we would get any sleep on a train. I was pleasantly surprised how relaxing it was. The gentle rocking motion and humming sounds lulled me to sleep nicely that night. I woke up enthusiastic about catching new sights from the large window of our cabin. For some silly reason that song from Aladdin "A Whole New World"entered my mind as I watched in wonder (lame, I know). But it's true... it is a whole new world to me. The way a new culture awakens the senses blows me away. The rolling hills were a refreshing sight to see. Not something I see much in the Midwest. As I watched I wondered why some of the hills had cave like looking holes in them. Karla mentioned, believe it or not, that some people live in the caves I saw. They are cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Whoa! I would love to see one.
The Great Wall!!!! Nothing quite like it. Amazing what the people of ancient past were capable of. I just keep thinking about the thousands of years of China's history. As we drove back into town after walking The Wall, Les shared that everytime China begins to dig in any given area for development they more likely than not unearth ancient findings. I was tempted to go out and start digging to see what I could find. :O)
I have shared some of the highlights of discovering a new culture. Eight days is hardly enough time to truly discover it. Processing a new culture takes years and years of engaging it. Not sure I am called to that. Not sure I want to be. (should I dare to say that?) Les and Karla some days might tell you the same thing. I was most impressed and impacted by them and the rest of the Asia Quest team and the Chinese people we met. I love the way they so faithfully pray for ways to engage this culture to bring a little bit of heaven to the earth. To "Let their light shine so that the Chinese may see their good deeds and Praise their Father in Heaven!" That's what this life is all about... God desires to restore all things to himself to make all things NEW! We can bring a little bit of heaven to our own world everyday as we seek to glorify God in our lives.
I am still learning how to post pictures on my blog... I need my blogging buddy to show me more. In the mean time become my friend on facebook and visit my facebook profile page to see some of the pictures we took while in China. Thanks for reading!!! Until next time, God bless!
Would you join me as I journey back on all I saw, heard, smelled and tasted during my trip? Coming straight from my heart felt journal entries...
Rick asked me this morning what the most surprising part about being in China has been. I thought, and the first thing that came to mind was I am surprised by how big China is and so modern. Not sure what I was expecting, but the cities we have been in are huge! During interaction over an interesting boiling "hot pot" meal where you dip various kinds of meat and vegetables into boiling water in the center of the table and then attempt to lift them all out with chopsticks...yeah right... a Chinese friend of Les and Karla (named Rick also) informed us that the city we were in has grown over the last 20 years from 40,000 to 8 million people! There are people everywhere. You should see the streets! It's instant stress and tension that you can feel rising up in your neck and shoulders and gives you an instant headache. Cars, bikes, taxis, buses, rickshaws, scooters, and even people walking all over the very busy roads like it was nothing at all. Everyone is pushing their way ahead (no defensive driving lessons in China) and if you get in someone's way they will honk loud and long to let you know. When we crossed the street I found it best to hold Karla's arm and just close my eyes and blindly walk and pray until we made it safely across to the other side. Same was true for Taxi rides. It was best to close my eyes and try to relax. Les called the front seat passengers side the "Hello Jesus seat" because there are so many near misses to that corner of the car. Such a different way of life in something as simple as the way people drive. Whew!
Not only do I see crowds surrounding me, but it is a crowd that continually tends to stare at me. It's very uncomfortable really. Sometimes I am tempted to make a funny face when they keep staring. :O) Karla says on an especially difficult day, she sometimes will do something super silly to really give them something to look at. She says it keeps her sane. I love that!
Did you know that in China the government purposely does something called "seeding" the clouds? It somehow causes them to condense and precipitate faster. It helps clean the smoggy air. Well it has certainly been raining AND SNOWING! Bummer. Karla says it must be part of God's plan to help us really get a taste of their lives there when they go for painfully long stretches of time with clouds. You have to understand when it's cloudy in China... IT'S CLOUDY!!!! Because of the smog it is often foggy and darker than usual, like one of those mysterious foggy looking dreams you walk through as you sleep soundly. I feel heavy walking through it some days and have to fight feeling depressed even.
I have also experienced a damp, cold and chilled to the bone sensation most of the time. The government does not turn on the heat in the city until November 15th. Les and Karla's apartment has heaters in each room so we are nice and toasty every night, but during the day going from place to place is another story. Many of the shopping places we have visited are outdoors with just plastic tarps for coverings. Rick did not pack for cold to the bone weather so we shopped one day for a coat. Entering shops is a whole experience in itself. The shop owners surround you pointing to various items and pushing a sale to the point of practically giving it to you for free. Rick's coat which would have cost $125.00 in the States, he paid $25.00 for in the China shops. :O) I LIKE THAT!!!!
Speaking of good deals!!!! Karla graciously brought me to visit her Chiropractor. I wasn't sure what to expect but left amazed at the excellent quality 45 minute back massage and adjustment I received all for $5.00. :O) I left feeling like I wanted to turn right around and do it again. A haircut includes a 30 minute head/shoulder and arm massage and costs... get this... $3.00! Why isn't that kind of great service for reasonable prices part of our culture? Oh, how I wish it was so! Oh, and eating out is the preferred way to go in China... shopping at the market and cooking at home costs more money and time than eating out. And the food choices are very healthy. Those are things I could get used to very easily!!! Oh the yogurt... I know, random, but I had to mention it.
I can't help but also notice the women of China. They are just beautiful to look at. It is interesting to me to see modern hairstyles on most of them as well. I always envision their hair being too straight to be styled into anything much. Oh no... long beautiful, wavy styled hair. They all wear high heel boots and look so elegant to me. So dignified and serious... and beautiful!
Our first night in Beijing we stayed in a Youth Hostel. My first thought... "OK... This is different." I walked into a cool, dimly lit lobby area which was small, cramped and cozy with lots of character. Two small picnic tables to the left. Couches with floral prints and big soft pillows faced each other with a table in between. Wooden floors and walls. A low ceiling with plants hanging overhead to add to the homeyness of the place. We walked through a small doorway out into the center patio/garden area. More picnic tables, hanging plants and candles. The ground was made of uneven brick type material. Another door took us down a long, narrow, dimly lit hallway into our rooms. The rooms were surprisingly different than the first impression of the place. More modern looking space just big enough to fit the simple low to the ground beds. A toilet right off to the left of the bed and a shower to the right. It was all part of the experience of being in China. Why stay at Holiday Inn when you can experience a Youth Hostel? I'm glad we did.
I know this is getting really long... anyone still reading???? Anyone???
We traveled from Beijing to Xian via train. We took the 10 hour overnight ride. "Hmmmm" I thought as we boarded and wondered how we would get any sleep on a train. I was pleasantly surprised how relaxing it was. The gentle rocking motion and humming sounds lulled me to sleep nicely that night. I woke up enthusiastic about catching new sights from the large window of our cabin. For some silly reason that song from Aladdin "A Whole New World"entered my mind as I watched in wonder (lame, I know). But it's true... it is a whole new world to me. The way a new culture awakens the senses blows me away. The rolling hills were a refreshing sight to see. Not something I see much in the Midwest. As I watched I wondered why some of the hills had cave like looking holes in them. Karla mentioned, believe it or not, that some people live in the caves I saw. They are cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Whoa! I would love to see one.
The Great Wall!!!! Nothing quite like it. Amazing what the people of ancient past were capable of. I just keep thinking about the thousands of years of China's history. As we drove back into town after walking The Wall, Les shared that everytime China begins to dig in any given area for development they more likely than not unearth ancient findings. I was tempted to go out and start digging to see what I could find. :O)
I have shared some of the highlights of discovering a new culture. Eight days is hardly enough time to truly discover it. Processing a new culture takes years and years of engaging it. Not sure I am called to that. Not sure I want to be. (should I dare to say that?) Les and Karla some days might tell you the same thing. I was most impressed and impacted by them and the rest of the Asia Quest team and the Chinese people we met. I love the way they so faithfully pray for ways to engage this culture to bring a little bit of heaven to the earth. To "Let their light shine so that the Chinese may see their good deeds and Praise their Father in Heaven!" That's what this life is all about... God desires to restore all things to himself to make all things NEW! We can bring a little bit of heaven to our own world everyday as we seek to glorify God in our lives.
I am still learning how to post pictures on my blog... I need my blogging buddy to show me more. In the mean time become my friend on facebook and visit my facebook profile page to see some of the pictures we took while in China. Thanks for reading!!! Until next time, God bless!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thoughts on Rest
Hello blogging friends! I have missed you. Had a wonderful time in China and am trying to settle back into my regular routine. I am not one who usually struggles too much with getting enough rest but having to face jet-lag during our trip and now especially since we have been back it has been a hot topic on my mind. Wowie... what a struggle.
It has me thinking about the importance of getting enough rest for the purpose of greater health and wellness. One dictionary definition of sleep is "the unconscious state or condition regularly assumed by man and animals during which the activity of the nervous system is almost entirely suspended and the recuperation of the body takes place." Have you ever thought about what happens in your body while you rest? The food you eat is transformed into tissues as you sleep, your body rids itself of poisons, cells are repaired and the blood structure is changed. Certain things happen in your body that can only happen during sleep. We cannot underestimate the power of a good nights rest and the problems we encounter when sleep is deprived.
Being sleep deprived myself in the last couple days I am feeling the effects. As you might guess... I feel more irritable, head achy, dizzy, and even kinda twitchy. Not sure what that is, but it's no fun. Many have advised me to consider taking melatonin before bed if I continue to lay awake at night. I am happy to say that last night was much better. Woke up a few times but nothing compared to the 2 nights before that.
I have been re-reading a great chapter on rest in Stormie Omartian's Book "Greater Health God's Way." At one point she shares that wartime tortures included keeping victims awake to the point of insanity or near death, for then they can be progammed to do anything. I believe it. Sleep is necessary for survival just as much as air, food and water. Would you believe that you could die if you were to go without sleep for more than 10 days. It's true.
If you struggle with getting enough sleep at night you might consider the following sleep stealers... (from Stormie's book)
One of the main causes for insomnia is eating toxin-forming foods... you know those processed convenient packaged foods. Toxins irritate the nerves and can keep you awake at night.
Worry, fear, and mental anxiety will also keep you lying awake at night. Does your mind race at night? It might be time to ask yourself if you are repressing problems/issues and take steps to deal with them instead.
How's your physical activity? Working out physcially will produce deeper sleep at night and give you a chance to recuperate.
You might also take steps to ensure deeper sleep by...
Going to bed early.
Take mini breaks during the day.
Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.
Eat healthy food, never processed packaged foods.
Take a warm bath to wind down.
Drink herb teas like chamomile... no stimulants.
Fill your mind with Scripture that soothes your mind before you fall asleep and ask God to make these Scriptures true for you...
Here are a few...
"My soul finds rest in God alone." Psalm 62:1
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8
"There remains a day of rest for the people of God." Hebrews 4:9
"My people will live in peaceful dwellings, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." Isaiah 32:18
"It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for He gives His beloved sleep." Psalm 127:2
"For we who have believed do enter that rest." Hebrews 4:3
Isn't sleep such a gift from God? I am sure thanking him for it!!! Hope you too are getting enough of it.
It has me thinking about the importance of getting enough rest for the purpose of greater health and wellness. One dictionary definition of sleep is "the unconscious state or condition regularly assumed by man and animals during which the activity of the nervous system is almost entirely suspended and the recuperation of the body takes place." Have you ever thought about what happens in your body while you rest? The food you eat is transformed into tissues as you sleep, your body rids itself of poisons, cells are repaired and the blood structure is changed. Certain things happen in your body that can only happen during sleep. We cannot underestimate the power of a good nights rest and the problems we encounter when sleep is deprived.
Being sleep deprived myself in the last couple days I am feeling the effects. As you might guess... I feel more irritable, head achy, dizzy, and even kinda twitchy. Not sure what that is, but it's no fun. Many have advised me to consider taking melatonin before bed if I continue to lay awake at night. I am happy to say that last night was much better. Woke up a few times but nothing compared to the 2 nights before that.
I have been re-reading a great chapter on rest in Stormie Omartian's Book "Greater Health God's Way." At one point she shares that wartime tortures included keeping victims awake to the point of insanity or near death, for then they can be progammed to do anything. I believe it. Sleep is necessary for survival just as much as air, food and water. Would you believe that you could die if you were to go without sleep for more than 10 days. It's true.
If you struggle with getting enough sleep at night you might consider the following sleep stealers... (from Stormie's book)
One of the main causes for insomnia is eating toxin-forming foods... you know those processed convenient packaged foods. Toxins irritate the nerves and can keep you awake at night.
Worry, fear, and mental anxiety will also keep you lying awake at night. Does your mind race at night? It might be time to ask yourself if you are repressing problems/issues and take steps to deal with them instead.
How's your physical activity? Working out physcially will produce deeper sleep at night and give you a chance to recuperate.
You might also take steps to ensure deeper sleep by...
Going to bed early.
Take mini breaks during the day.
Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.
Eat healthy food, never processed packaged foods.
Take a warm bath to wind down.
Drink herb teas like chamomile... no stimulants.
Fill your mind with Scripture that soothes your mind before you fall asleep and ask God to make these Scriptures true for you...
Here are a few...
"My soul finds rest in God alone." Psalm 62:1
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8
"There remains a day of rest for the people of God." Hebrews 4:9
"My people will live in peaceful dwellings, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." Isaiah 32:18
"It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for He gives His beloved sleep." Psalm 127:2
"For we who have believed do enter that rest." Hebrews 4:3
Isn't sleep such a gift from God? I am sure thanking him for it!!! Hope you too are getting enough of it.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Greetings from China
Hello Friends!
Just a very quick hello! Rick and I are in CHINA visiting dear friends. What a ride it has been! I look forward to getting time when we return to update you on my experience and to get back to enjoying my blog. Miss you for now.
Just a very quick hello! Rick and I are in CHINA visiting dear friends. What a ride it has been! I look forward to getting time when we return to update you on my experience and to get back to enjoying my blog. Miss you for now.
Monday, November 2, 2009
It Starts with the Mind
I love a good quote.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes about fitness/motivation/determination.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes about fitness/motivation/determination.
"Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it." ~Unknown
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit." ~Aristotle
"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." ~Jim Rohen
"The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince."
~Vincent Lombardi
"We do not stop exercising because we grow old... we grow old because we stop exercising."
~Dr. Kenneth Cooper
"A healthy body is the guest chamber of the soul, a sick body is it's prison." ~Francis Bacon
Oh... I have so many more good quotes and could go on and on. The great thing about a good quote is it is motivating and brings insight which can help change the direction of our lives. I know it does for me. In Ecclesiastes 12:11 it says... "The collected saying of the wise are like guidance from a shepherd." I realize the quotes above are not specifically in Scripture and are not His inspired Word or His direct revelation, but the principles are found there. (sowing/reaping, good stewardship, right thinking, discipline). Have you ever heard the idea that all truth is God's truth? For example... 2+2=4, but you can't specifically find a chapter and verse about it in the Bible. Just because it is not specifically in the Bible doesn't cease to make it true. There are many things in His creation that are His general revelation and are true. (grass is green, sky is blue). If it's true, then it's God's truth and we can be thankful for it. Anyway... a little tangent there.
My intended purpose for this post is remembering that what you think about is vitally important in shaping who you are. Your mind is so much part of being healthy physically and spiritually.
Search the Scripture and you will find giants of the faith continually in situations where they have to train their minds for battle. You see David over and over again in tough situations. He laments to God about his situation, then what does he do??? He REMEMBERS, he BRINGS TO MIND, he REHEARSES in his mind everything he knows to be true, good, right, excellent and praiseworthy about God and His promises. This is what gives him hope, determination and resolve to continue in good ways for the long haul.
I'd like to relate this concept to our physical health as well. You are a spiritual being no doubt, but you are just as much a physical being this side of heaven. (We'll have bodies in heaven too...perfect ones! Wooo-HOOooo!:O) .... Your body is an amazing creation of God and He made it to function best as we condition it through regular movement. Isn't that true? In today's society it is much harder to get physical conditioning than it was in times past. Jobs in times past were much more physically involved. Today we sit behind desks most of the time. We need to move!
I believe that what's missing from our workouts and what more times than not causes us to quit, is a lack of motivation. Motivation comes when we fill our minds with the WHYS! We forget to BRING TO MIND and REHEARSE all the wonderful benefits of exercising. To help get started take a look here at this great list of reasons WHY exercise is so awesome and needed. Put it up somewhere... not to make you feel guilty, but to hopefully motivate you to go for it everyday!
30 Good Reasons to Get Up and Do It... (from Stormie Omartian's book "Greater Health God's Way" 143)
1. To increase your endurance.
2. To make you less susceptible to disease.
3. To strengthen your heart muscles.
4. To improve your complexion.
5. To reduce tension and enable you to handle stress more effectively.
6. To help you lose weight and keep it off.
7. To lift your spirit.
8. To improve your sleep.
9. To clear your mind and make you more alert by stepping up the flow of blood to the brain.
10. To relieve depression.
11. To elevate beta-endorphic levels in your blood, which reduces pain.
12. To help your nervous system to function more effeciently.
13. To increase self-esteem, confidence, and a feeling of self-worth.
14. To ease your heart's work load by causing your muscles to use oxygen more efficiently.
15. To relieve tension headaches.
16. To ease back problems as you strengthen core muscles.
17. To reduce neck and shoulder pain.
18. To purify your blood.
19. To aid digestion
20. To slow down the aging process!!! :O) :O)
21. To increase flexibility.
22. To cut addictive cravings.
23. To decrease cholestrol.
24. To balance your metabolism.
25. To reshape your body.
26. To improve circulation.
27. To make you more cheerful!!!
28. To help you regulate an out of control appetite.
29. To ease menstral cramps.
30. To relieve arthritis.
Think about it! The above list is TRUE about exercise. Continue to search out for yourself more good reasons to make exercise a lifestyle and add to this list. When you are tempted to quit, get back to your list and allow it to continue to transform the way you think about exercise. Here are a couple more good quotes to ponder on....
"Remember, you should have your mind ready for war when you train"...Bob Whlean
"Workouts are like brushing my teeth-- I don't think about them, I just do them. The decision has already been made." ...Patti Sue Plumer, U.S. Olympian
"The body does not want you to do this. As you run (exercise), it tells you to stop!... but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy... It's not age, it's not diet... it's the will to succeed." ...Jacquelinne Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon Champ
Be determined... you CAN do it!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
And the winner is...
Hello friends!
As promised to all who posted on my blog in October your name went into a drawing today to win a free copy of Susie Larson's book "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't" and the winner is...
SOON! Soon is a sweet dear participant in my weekend fitness classes. I will plan to bring the book this week Soon. Look for me. If I don't see you I will send you a copy through the mail.
Thanks to you all for your posts and encouragement to me. I plan to do another drawing in the near future so keep visiting and keep posting. I love giving away freebies!
Happy Halloween!
As promised to all who posted on my blog in October your name went into a drawing today to win a free copy of Susie Larson's book "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't" and the winner is...
SOON! Soon is a sweet dear participant in my weekend fitness classes. I will plan to bring the book this week Soon. Look for me. If I don't see you I will send you a copy through the mail.
Thanks to you all for your posts and encouragement to me. I plan to do another drawing in the near future so keep visiting and keep posting. I love giving away freebies!
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ahhh... the silence
When was the last time you were able to get a few moments to be still and quiet? Or better yet a few hours? In seeking to have a more balanced life I have reserved 2 time slots in my week for quiet reflection and stillness for the purpose of asking God to search my heart. This morning was one of those times. :O)
The last few days have been a furious frenzy! So much going on. And I am finding the older my kids get the busier life is because eveyone has their ideas about how they want to spend their time. My house is a mess and I feel out of control. My mind is also critical toward my family and the way I think things should be. I even had thoughts this morning as I looked at my 12 year old daughter that I wish she would groom herself just a little better, and why in the world is she wearing THAT?
Other thoughts that I caught myself thinking.... "Why does he have to chomp his food?... ewww yuck!", "Gee whiz, why do I have to do everything around here? There are 6 capable people in this house... there is no reason the house should look like this!" Then thoughts would creep in like. "It's because you are a horrible mom! You have failed to train them to be responsible! IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU ARE A LOSER!"
Ever have thoughts like that? Kinda harsh, huh? I was so glad I had reserved a few hours this morning to be quiet, still and to get a grip! I needed to position myself to hear from God and gain a right perspective regarding my heart. Here's what I heard...
It's been busy and stressful yes, family life can be that way, but you are here now and my mercy is new every morning! Enjoy it and know my grace abounds to you always! Don't beat yourself up about busyness. Sometimes life is busy. Keep striving for balance and slow down enough to bring up the deep matters of your heart. It's in the silence and stillness that real transformation takes place. Don't neglect it.
You are feeling critical and irritable toward your family. Why not give me those burdens instead? I care about all that and I know how you feel. But remember, the only person you can change is yourself. Remember all of you are in process and being judgmental never helps does it? I have not called you to judge and be critical but to love, serve and be encouraging instead. Don't be heavy with life burdens, give them to me and remind yourself of what is good, right, excellent, praiseworthy and noble! You free yourself of pain when you choose to love. It is the greatest thing you can do for your family and it will work because LOVE NEVER FAILS! Mercy triumphs over judgment. My mercy was extended to you and the whole world while you were still sinners! You were still in process and still are and it's always my loving kindness that draws people, not condemnation and judgment.
You are never a loser in my eyes. That is a lie. You are my special treasure. I am accomplishing my purpose in you. Keep looking up to gain a right perspective. You are loved, forgiven and chosen. Be free and light in my love.
I hope you will take a minute to be still to hear his wonderful voice in your circumstances today!
The last few days have been a furious frenzy! So much going on. And I am finding the older my kids get the busier life is because eveyone has their ideas about how they want to spend their time. My house is a mess and I feel out of control. My mind is also critical toward my family and the way I think things should be. I even had thoughts this morning as I looked at my 12 year old daughter that I wish she would groom herself just a little better, and why in the world is she wearing THAT?
Other thoughts that I caught myself thinking.... "Why does he have to chomp his food?... ewww yuck!", "Gee whiz, why do I have to do everything around here? There are 6 capable people in this house... there is no reason the house should look like this!" Then thoughts would creep in like. "It's because you are a horrible mom! You have failed to train them to be responsible! IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU ARE A LOSER!"
Ever have thoughts like that? Kinda harsh, huh? I was so glad I had reserved a few hours this morning to be quiet, still and to get a grip! I needed to position myself to hear from God and gain a right perspective regarding my heart. Here's what I heard...
It's been busy and stressful yes, family life can be that way, but you are here now and my mercy is new every morning! Enjoy it and know my grace abounds to you always! Don't beat yourself up about busyness. Sometimes life is busy. Keep striving for balance and slow down enough to bring up the deep matters of your heart. It's in the silence and stillness that real transformation takes place. Don't neglect it.
You are feeling critical and irritable toward your family. Why not give me those burdens instead? I care about all that and I know how you feel. But remember, the only person you can change is yourself. Remember all of you are in process and being judgmental never helps does it? I have not called you to judge and be critical but to love, serve and be encouraging instead. Don't be heavy with life burdens, give them to me and remind yourself of what is good, right, excellent, praiseworthy and noble! You free yourself of pain when you choose to love. It is the greatest thing you can do for your family and it will work because LOVE NEVER FAILS! Mercy triumphs over judgment. My mercy was extended to you and the whole world while you were still sinners! You were still in process and still are and it's always my loving kindness that draws people, not condemnation and judgment.
You are never a loser in my eyes. That is a lie. You are my special treasure. I am accomplishing my purpose in you. Keep looking up to gain a right perspective. You are loved, forgiven and chosen. Be free and light in my love.
I hope you will take a minute to be still to hear his wonderful voice in your circumstances today!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Few Thoughts on Dieting
Once you determine that you want to give yourself the gift of exercise everyday there are a few thoughts I'd like to share about dieting. Here's my advice... DON'T DO IT!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOUR ARE BECOMING MORE ACTIVE.
FOOD IS YOUR FUEL! Food is essential! Food is energy! Food is what your body lives on! You wouldn't think of traveling a long distance without gas in your car... it simply wouldn't be possible. It's the same with your body. If you are expending more energy through exercise you need more fuel not less. Many people make the mistake of thinking, "Now that I'm exercising I am going to cut back in my eating too and then the weight will really come off!" WRONG! You need to be realistic. You won't be able to over time sustain the kind of diet most people try when attempting to lose weight. You know, those diets that cause you to starve.
I'd like to change your thinking forever about dieting. When we diet (take in less than we expend) our body gets confused and kicks into "famine mode". It stores the fuel that lasts the longest in famine. The fuel it stores is not protein, or carbs... it's FAT! Your body will store fat so that you may live as long as possible in famine. In addition, most of the weight you lose on a starvation diet is water and lean muscle mass, so when you gain the weight back again, and you will because you cannot sustain starvation diets for for very long, what you lose in lean muscle mass will be gained back as FAT. The lean muscle mass you once had will not magically reappear. You will need to do the hard work of strength training to build it back up. That's why the same 40 pounds when gained back will feel looser, fatter and heavier than they did before. Every time you lose weight and gain it back you are getting weaker and fatter.
Instead of dieting in such a non-productive way use that same detrmination to exercise. You need strength training and some kind of cardio to get the best results. Don't allow your muscle mass to wither away through dieting. You need that muscle to be strong and fit for life. Your lean muscle also burns fat. So the more lean your muscles are the more efficient your body will be at buring fat. Even when sleeping your body will be burning fat. Kinda nice huh? Oxygen is also a fuel that burns fat. So you want to include cardio at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes or more at a time... (more on oxygen in future posts).
Sustaining a rigerous exercise routine requires that you keep the fuel coming! Fuel up every day with a healthy breakfast and make it your goal to fill your plate 1/2 full at lunch and dinner with fresh frutis and vegis, 1/4 full with whole grains and 1/4 full with protein.
There is soooo much more to share about diet and exercise... it will have to wait for another post. In a nutshell for now... enjoy your food and move your body!
Be blessed and nourished!
FOOD IS YOUR FUEL! Food is essential! Food is energy! Food is what your body lives on! You wouldn't think of traveling a long distance without gas in your car... it simply wouldn't be possible. It's the same with your body. If you are expending more energy through exercise you need more fuel not less. Many people make the mistake of thinking, "Now that I'm exercising I am going to cut back in my eating too and then the weight will really come off!" WRONG! You need to be realistic. You won't be able to over time sustain the kind of diet most people try when attempting to lose weight. You know, those diets that cause you to starve.
I'd like to change your thinking forever about dieting. When we diet (take in less than we expend) our body gets confused and kicks into "famine mode". It stores the fuel that lasts the longest in famine. The fuel it stores is not protein, or carbs... it's FAT! Your body will store fat so that you may live as long as possible in famine. In addition, most of the weight you lose on a starvation diet is water and lean muscle mass, so when you gain the weight back again, and you will because you cannot sustain starvation diets for for very long, what you lose in lean muscle mass will be gained back as FAT. The lean muscle mass you once had will not magically reappear. You will need to do the hard work of strength training to build it back up. That's why the same 40 pounds when gained back will feel looser, fatter and heavier than they did before. Every time you lose weight and gain it back you are getting weaker and fatter.
Instead of dieting in such a non-productive way use that same detrmination to exercise. You need strength training and some kind of cardio to get the best results. Don't allow your muscle mass to wither away through dieting. You need that muscle to be strong and fit for life. Your lean muscle also burns fat. So the more lean your muscles are the more efficient your body will be at buring fat. Even when sleeping your body will be burning fat. Kinda nice huh? Oxygen is also a fuel that burns fat. So you want to include cardio at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes or more at a time... (more on oxygen in future posts).
Sustaining a rigerous exercise routine requires that you keep the fuel coming! Fuel up every day with a healthy breakfast and make it your goal to fill your plate 1/2 full at lunch and dinner with fresh frutis and vegis, 1/4 full with whole grains and 1/4 full with protein.
There is soooo much more to share about diet and exercise... it will have to wait for another post. In a nutshell for now... enjoy your food and move your body!
Be blessed and nourished!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Survivng H1N1
It's been a tough week in the Wagner household! My youngest daughter was diagnosed with H1N1 flu virus on Wednesday. I am happy to say that she is doing MUCH better and the rest of our family is still symptom free! I attribute that to the many prayers so many friends have offered up for her and our family! You know who you are... YOU ROCK!!! THANK YOU!!! Keep praying PLEASE. We still have 2 more days to wait to see if symptoms show up before we are declared OK.
I have also been on the receiving end of some great advice and tips for preventing it's spread among our family. Some information I knew, but other pieces of good advice I did not realize about H1N1. If it comes close to you and your loved ones consider the following preventions...
H1N1 only enters through the nose and mouth/throat. Contact with H1N1 is not so much the problem as proliferation is. In order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infection follow these very simple steps...
WASH HANDS! often as you can.
Keep your hands off your face! Resist the temptation to touch your face unless eating or bathing.
Gargle 2 times a day with warm salt water or listerine.
H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in throat and nasal cavity to proliferate. Gargling is inexpensive and a powerful preventative method and will kill the virus before it takes effect.
Clean your nostrils with saline nasal mist like Ayr, which is a simple bottle of saline solution that you can squirt in each nostril several times a day. OR you can simply clean with warm salt water. Blow your nose hard once a day and swab both nostrils dipped in warm salt water. Very effective.
Boost your natural immunity with Vitamin C (citrus fruits). Take zinc with your Vitamin C supplements to boost absorption.
Drink warm liquids as much as possible. Hot tea is especially good and has the same effect as gargling but in the reverse direction. It helps wash off prolifearion viruses from the throat to the stomach where they cannot survive or do harm.
Let's keep praying for each other in regard to this flu bug and thank God for the preventative things we can do to stay healthy!
I have also been on the receiving end of some great advice and tips for preventing it's spread among our family. Some information I knew, but other pieces of good advice I did not realize about H1N1. If it comes close to you and your loved ones consider the following preventions...
H1N1 only enters through the nose and mouth/throat. Contact with H1N1 is not so much the problem as proliferation is. In order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infection follow these very simple steps...
WASH HANDS! often as you can.
Keep your hands off your face! Resist the temptation to touch your face unless eating or bathing.
Gargle 2 times a day with warm salt water or listerine.
H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in throat and nasal cavity to proliferate. Gargling is inexpensive and a powerful preventative method and will kill the virus before it takes effect.
Clean your nostrils with saline nasal mist like Ayr, which is a simple bottle of saline solution that you can squirt in each nostril several times a day. OR you can simply clean with warm salt water. Blow your nose hard once a day and swab both nostrils dipped in warm salt water. Very effective.
Boost your natural immunity with Vitamin C (citrus fruits). Take zinc with your Vitamin C supplements to boost absorption.
Drink warm liquids as much as possible. Hot tea is especially good and has the same effect as gargling but in the reverse direction. It helps wash off prolifearion viruses from the throat to the stomach where they cannot survive or do harm.
Let's keep praying for each other in regard to this flu bug and thank God for the preventative things we can do to stay healthy!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A chance to win a copy of Susie Larson's book!!!
Hello Friends!
A couple of you have mentioned wanting to purchase a copy of Susie Larson's Book "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't" after reading the blog posts below about living a balanced life.
I have great news! I have an extra copy of the book I'd like to give away to someone who posts a comment on my blog. If you have already posted a comment thank you!!! It's so fun to read your thoughts and is such an encouragement to me! Post a comment and your name will automatically go into the drawing. I will plan to draw a name at the end of October and will send the winner a copy of the book!
Hope you will join the fun!!!
A couple of you have mentioned wanting to purchase a copy of Susie Larson's Book "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't" after reading the blog posts below about living a balanced life.
I have great news! I have an extra copy of the book I'd like to give away to someone who posts a comment on my blog. If you have already posted a comment thank you!!! It's so fun to read your thoughts and is such an encouragement to me! Post a comment and your name will automatically go into the drawing. I will plan to draw a name at the end of October and will send the winner a copy of the book!
Hope you will join the fun!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A Balanced Woman Looks Like....
From Susie Larsons book... "Balance That Works When Life Dosen't" pg. 32-33.
*Someone who, even though she is cleaning the house to prepare for company, takes her litte ones outside and runs around with them for a while.
*Someone who would rather bless than impress.
*Someone who dares to say no to something she knows she is not called to, even though she might disappoint others.
*Someone who senses a call on her life and dares to say yes, even though she feels unqualified.
*Someone who guards and protects her time spent with the Lord.
*Someone who gives herself the gift of exercise several times a week.
*Someone who is willing to interrupt her workout if a f riend needs prayer or her child needs a hug.
*Someone who, several times a day, pauses to acknowledge God's presence.
*Someone who refuses a busy, harried lifestyle.
*Someone who is willing to push herself beyond what is comfortable for the purpose of growth.
*Someone who is teachable.
*Someone who is flexible.
*Someone who hates gossip.
*Someone who loves peace.
*Someone who looks at difficult people with God in mind.
*Someone who holds tight to faith, hope and love.
*Someone who, even though she is cleaning the house to prepare for company, takes her litte ones outside and runs around with them for a while.
*Someone who would rather bless than impress.
*Someone who dares to say no to something she knows she is not called to, even though she might disappoint others.
*Someone who senses a call on her life and dares to say yes, even though she feels unqualified.
*Someone who guards and protects her time spent with the Lord.
*Someone who gives herself the gift of exercise several times a week.
*Someone who is willing to interrupt her workout if a f riend needs prayer or her child needs a hug.
*Someone who, several times a day, pauses to acknowledge God's presence.
*Someone who refuses a busy, harried lifestyle.
*Someone who is willing to push herself beyond what is comfortable for the purpose of growth.
*Someone who is teachable.
*Someone who is flexible.
*Someone who hates gossip.
*Someone who loves peace.
*Someone who looks at difficult people with God in mind.
*Someone who holds tight to faith, hope and love.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Finding Balance
A well balanced life is currently a hot topic in my life. For about a year now I have been contemplating what a well balanced life looks like. I teach a health and wellness class at my church. We get together to exercise and then study a book to help us grow spiritually as well. The book we were studying last year was called "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't". (great book... read it!) At that time I was insanely busy and I knew it. I felt the Lord leading me to begin to take a look at my life and to start weeding out some ares. But where was I to start?
The author Susie Larson remined us that everyone's life involves these three things... 1. Input 2. Output and 3. Rest. She says, if we tend to emphasize one of these areas to the expense of the rest then imbalance results. In all of life we are experiencing one of these three things. What changes is the degree that we do them. Think about where you are right now. I had to sit down and make a list of everything I was doing and ask is this input (nourishment), output (response) or rest(replenishment)? It was clear that my output was way out of proportion to my input. I needed to make some changes. God was so gracious giving me time to let go of certain areas one at time and then confirming those decisions and setting me free.
I am in a much better place today, however, I still struggle with saying no and keeping a balanced life consistent. I learned through that experience that I so much need my alone time to rest and be refreshed so that I am able to give out more effectively when it's time for output. I can't give, give and give without giving to me. I will surely wither and experience burnout.
I love how Susie says it.... "We wander away from balance when we neglect, forget,or think we don't need all three of these components in our lives. We can't eat a lot and never exercise, we can't exert ourselves constantly without food and we can't neglect rest." she continues..."if we take a deeper look at what comes into our lives, what goes out from us, and how we get replensihed again, if we manage our lives at this level--we will get to the core of where we put our time and why."
I learned from Susie that God wants to nourish us deeper both physically and spiritually so that we can be more alive in Christ! Expect that God is up to something today and stop to notice what he wants to show you. Maybe it's the cool breeze in your face, or the wonderful scent of your favorite candle burning or the sound of laughter from your children. Be in awe of the gifts he sends your way everyday and NOTICE them. Then pause long enough to relish in them and tell God thank you. This is input and brings life! Be ready too to be used by Him to bring life to others in any way you can (output). Exercise your amazing body and give it the movement it so desperately needs, eat a healthy meal and then lay down at the end of the day to rest peacefully. You need all three components for a healthy balanced life both in the physical realm and the spiritual!!!
Be blessed, be nourished!
The author Susie Larson remined us that everyone's life involves these three things... 1. Input 2. Output and 3. Rest. She says, if we tend to emphasize one of these areas to the expense of the rest then imbalance results. In all of life we are experiencing one of these three things. What changes is the degree that we do them. Think about where you are right now. I had to sit down and make a list of everything I was doing and ask is this input (nourishment), output (response) or rest(replenishment)? It was clear that my output was way out of proportion to my input. I needed to make some changes. God was so gracious giving me time to let go of certain areas one at time and then confirming those decisions and setting me free.
I am in a much better place today, however, I still struggle with saying no and keeping a balanced life consistent. I learned through that experience that I so much need my alone time to rest and be refreshed so that I am able to give out more effectively when it's time for output. I can't give, give and give without giving to me. I will surely wither and experience burnout.
I love how Susie says it.... "We wander away from balance when we neglect, forget,or think we don't need all three of these components in our lives. We can't eat a lot and never exercise, we can't exert ourselves constantly without food and we can't neglect rest." she continues..."if we take a deeper look at what comes into our lives, what goes out from us, and how we get replensihed again, if we manage our lives at this level--we will get to the core of where we put our time and why."
I learned from Susie that God wants to nourish us deeper both physically and spiritually so that we can be more alive in Christ! Expect that God is up to something today and stop to notice what he wants to show you. Maybe it's the cool breeze in your face, or the wonderful scent of your favorite candle burning or the sound of laughter from your children. Be in awe of the gifts he sends your way everyday and NOTICE them. Then pause long enough to relish in them and tell God thank you. This is input and brings life! Be ready too to be used by Him to bring life to others in any way you can (output). Exercise your amazing body and give it the movement it so desperately needs, eat a healthy meal and then lay down at the end of the day to rest peacefully. You need all three components for a healthy balanced life both in the physical realm and the spiritual!!!
Be blessed, be nourished!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Start Slow and Give Grace
Do you ever notice once a decision is made to begin the hard work of starting something new that a "too much too soon" syndrome seems to set in? I expect all my efforts to be an instant success and any changes I desire to happen now! Instead my expectations usually go unmet and I am let down with big disappointment. Sometimes I even want to give up because I am unwilling to be OK with slow starts and perseverance .
After giving birth to my 3rd child I determined it was time to pay attention to my physical fitness again after approximately eight years of doing pretty much nothing. I was so determined and excited to get started! And get started I did! I jumped in full speed ahead. After my first day at the gym I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I woke up the next morning. I could hardly move. I remember how difficult it was to even lower myself to sit on the toilet. My quads were on fire! I ended up not going back to gym for a good 2 weeks because I also had pulled a muscle and felt awful. I was so discouraged but determined I would not give up. Instead, I humbled myself when I was OK to return to the gym and decided it best to start out a little slower. To take baby steps allowing my body to get used to what I was asking it to do. Why push myself beyond what I was capable of doing? Never mind the buff girl on the treadmill able to run at an insane pace for 45 minutes. At one point she had had a starting place too and if asked I'm sure she also had a story to share. We all do. I learned quickly as I looked around the gym that everyone has a different fitness level and that we are all capable of working our way up to higher and stronger fitness levels. The key is to respect where we are in the process and remember how amazing God has made our bodies. If we condition our bodies though movement we will only get stronger and able to live out our days with more energy. We also do well to work slow and build up to the next fitness level by being consistent and respectful of our current limitations and thankful for the strength we do have!
Spiritual growth somewhat resembles this process as well. We do well to not expect too much too soon, lest we be disappointed in our lack of progress and feel the temptation to give up. We also must resist the temptation to compare our maturity level with others on the faith journey. God is in process with all of us and the real key in our growth is realizing that it ultimately depends on God's work in us not our effort to do better. The Bible says... "It is God who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose." Our part is to love Him with all our energy and to have faith in what He has already done. So the workout in our spiritual life is all about FAITH! When I am discouraged because I feel I am not doing enough myself to grow spiritually I must always come back to faith in the Cross. Jesus death on the Cross took care of all my spiritual issues. His mercy is new every morning and He meets me there. But just like my body has so much potential to bring me life as I work it and move it to give it what it needs to thrive, so too does my heart and my soul. God intends my heart to grow into something beautiful as I open myself up to Him and do the hard work of FAITH. There is so much that is true about you and it is revealed in the Bible. Take a look and decide to have faith that what it says about you is true! Exercise a posture toward God and allow Him to do a beautiful work.
Ask me about Fit for Life if you are interested in being part of a physical and spiritual fitness class. :O)
After giving birth to my 3rd child I determined it was time to pay attention to my physical fitness again after approximately eight years of doing pretty much nothing. I was so determined and excited to get started! And get started I did! I jumped in full speed ahead. After my first day at the gym I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I woke up the next morning. I could hardly move. I remember how difficult it was to even lower myself to sit on the toilet. My quads were on fire! I ended up not going back to gym for a good 2 weeks because I also had pulled a muscle and felt awful. I was so discouraged but determined I would not give up. Instead, I humbled myself when I was OK to return to the gym and decided it best to start out a little slower. To take baby steps allowing my body to get used to what I was asking it to do. Why push myself beyond what I was capable of doing? Never mind the buff girl on the treadmill able to run at an insane pace for 45 minutes. At one point she had had a starting place too and if asked I'm sure she also had a story to share. We all do. I learned quickly as I looked around the gym that everyone has a different fitness level and that we are all capable of working our way up to higher and stronger fitness levels. The key is to respect where we are in the process and remember how amazing God has made our bodies. If we condition our bodies though movement we will only get stronger and able to live out our days with more energy. We also do well to work slow and build up to the next fitness level by being consistent and respectful of our current limitations and thankful for the strength we do have!
Spiritual growth somewhat resembles this process as well. We do well to not expect too much too soon, lest we be disappointed in our lack of progress and feel the temptation to give up. We also must resist the temptation to compare our maturity level with others on the faith journey. God is in process with all of us and the real key in our growth is realizing that it ultimately depends on God's work in us not our effort to do better. The Bible says... "It is God who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose." Our part is to love Him with all our energy and to have faith in what He has already done. So the workout in our spiritual life is all about FAITH! When I am discouraged because I feel I am not doing enough myself to grow spiritually I must always come back to faith in the Cross. Jesus death on the Cross took care of all my spiritual issues. His mercy is new every morning and He meets me there. But just like my body has so much potential to bring me life as I work it and move it to give it what it needs to thrive, so too does my heart and my soul. God intends my heart to grow into something beautiful as I open myself up to Him and do the hard work of FAITH. There is so much that is true about you and it is revealed in the Bible. Take a look and decide to have faith that what it says about you is true! Exercise a posture toward God and allow Him to do a beautiful work.
Ask me about Fit for Life if you are interested in being part of a physical and spiritual fitness class. :O)
Monday, October 5, 2009
In any pursuit in life there is always the beginning. There are many areas in life that are worth pursuing, but getting started is always the hardest part. I recently started a new job. WOW! The first few weeks were overwhelming and I'm still getting used to it! Talking to college students reminds me how overwhleming the first week of classes are as professors unload the entire sememsters objectives. Beginning the hard work of healing a relationship or starting a family, all these pursuits and more can overwhelm anyone sometimes to the point of not wanting to begin at all. Why is it easier to just stay put and not do the hard work required to get to the places we want to be? We don't like to press against the current, we would raher just ride along with it.
Two areas we especially tend to "ride along with it" involve our physical and spiritual health and wellness. The thought of becoming healthier either physically or spiritually to most people is overwhelming! I have been there many times! But with a little thought it seems most of my problems are eliviated when I pay attention to who I am physically and spiritually and BEGIN the hard work of discipling myself to nurture these areas. I feel so much more alive when I take a quick run around the block and get the oxygen flowing! I feel I live to my full potential when I listen to what God might want to say about my "oh so wise" outlook on life and then how He gently reminds me of a better way.
What about you? Is it time to pay attention to your health and holiness? I am starting the hard work of BEGINNING this blog site with these two areas in mind...hence my title "Fitness and Freedom." I would love to journey with you as we BEGIN the hard, but oh so necessary work of passionately pursuing life that is truly life!
Two areas we especially tend to "ride along with it" involve our physical and spiritual health and wellness. The thought of becoming healthier either physically or spiritually to most people is overwhelming! I have been there many times! But with a little thought it seems most of my problems are eliviated when I pay attention to who I am physically and spiritually and BEGIN the hard work of discipling myself to nurture these areas. I feel so much more alive when I take a quick run around the block and get the oxygen flowing! I feel I live to my full potential when I listen to what God might want to say about my "oh so wise" outlook on life and then how He gently reminds me of a better way.
What about you? Is it time to pay attention to your health and holiness? I am starting the hard work of BEGINNING this blog site with these two areas in mind...hence my title "Fitness and Freedom." I would love to journey with you as we BEGIN the hard, but oh so necessary work of passionately pursuing life that is truly life!
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